Perseverance, an excerpt.
This post outlines the need for perseverance in the music industry:
Music is not in the transparency business. When you do not get positive support for your dreams - YOU must find a way to keep going.
I persevered to make my debut album Green River Sessions. It took ten years and was self-financed. I had a kid, got a masters degree, and was offered and called in favours of all kinds. In fact, I was given discounted studio time to finish the record and was seven and a half months pregnant with my second child. I held down other music jobs at the same time, and even a had writing contract while we were mixing and mastering.
I’m not sure if there is anything more unreasonable that choosing to have a career in music while in your mid 30s, with a second child on the way, and married to another musician.
However, we all persevered to make this album happened. I stood up to sing, and sat down in-between takes. Then I slept for the rest of the afternoon and evening, and did the same thing the next day, and the next day, and the next day, until we were done tracking.
When I talked about my record in 2007, people didn’t believe it was happening. It was discouraging, but I kept at it. You have to keep going. Stay firm in your promises to yourself and in your expectations for yourself. Mission accomplished!
For example, when you're working a day job and gigging at night, you can be keep track of your future goals, make them visible, so they will be an encouragement and inspiration to you in tough times. Even when people are eating canapés while you play “Summertime” you can still keep going! Make it the most beautiful summertime melody you’ve ever played. Make the solo so lyrical that it sounds like a new song.
Persevere through disbelief, through difficult comments, through tough times. As you build strength, you'll ride out the tricky stuff. As you plan for success, and take action to reach goals, you'll be closer to that future perfect scenario!
...excerpt from an upcoming chapter on "Perseverance." #perseverance #musicindustry #keepgoing #justkeepswimming #equityinmusic