Perrymount Primary School Achieves Centre of Excellence Again

Perrymount Primary School Achieves Centre of Excellence Again

Pupil’s Come First

?“We aim to make sure we remove barriers to allow all children to participate in the full life of the school community holistically and academically.”

The Headteacher, Deputy Head and the SENCo/ IQM Lead spoke about the context o and the future strategic developments of the school.?The school works very hard to develop the positive attitudes and self-confidence of its pupils. Year 6 pupils can choose to be a buddy, they wear a red polo shirt, they play and support pupils during break/lunch times and help around the school. This helps pupils to develop their self-confidence and it also adds to the family feel of the school where all pupils happily work and play together. Pupils are positive, motivated, self-confident, and able to enter into discussion with ease. At this school, it is always clear that pupils are at the centre of everything it does and are genuinely listened to.

Staff Are Positive

Teaching and support staff work very well together to do their very best for all pupils. They are valued for their skills and expertise with support staff playing a vital role in the school, leading interventions, supporting in class, and providing crucial support for pupils with a range of SEND. They share the common, inclusive vision and they feel they have excellent support and resources to enable them to do their work. Staff spend a lot of time in planning thoroughly to meet their pupils’ individual needs and in the detailed marking of pupils’ work. Staff are positive and energetic and are fully committed to the pupils and to the school. They speak very highly of inclusive practices within Perrymount Primary School. Staff expressed how they,

“Make sure that all children are exposed to the same activities and have the same chances as everyone,” “By facilitating equal chances for the children to be able to access the curriculum based on their abilities and needs.”

?Staff feel valued at Perrymount and find the Headteacher very supportive,

Her door is always open, you can go to her at any time about anything.”

Thematic Curriculum

The school uses a thematic curriculum, teachers plan their lessons to motivate and inspire pupils through exciting topics with real-life experiences such as trips to the London Aquarium and the London Eye. There continues to be staff training to meet the needs of children with a variety of SEND, for example, on how to change a catheter. In classrooms visited, children with SEND were being very well supported on a one-to-one basis with excellent examples of the use of work stations and of children joining in with their classmates. On a wider level, the school works closely with the other schools within the local area, on various aspects of CPD and sharing good practice.

?A Love Of Reading

The school promotes a love of reading. The school noticed that pupils were taking reading books outside into the playground to read, the school has now placed a Book Shed in the playground to continue the pupil's love of reading. In the corridor to continue this promotion of reading, there is a display of the 100 books you should read before you are 12.

Cultural Diversity

Displays around the school reflect the pupils learning in all areas of the curriculum and cultural diversity. There is a display on Titanium, from reading the pupil’s writing on the display board and seeing their art work, I can see that they thoroughly enjoyed this piece of learning. The school cares about the planet, they have placed a large emphasis on conservation, and there are displays made from bottle tops and recyclable materials. ?

Parent Relationships

The school has fostered excellent relationships with parents and finds many ways to communicate with them and involve them in the life of the school. Parents speak very highly of Perrymount Primary School and its staff. A group of parents explained the thorough, caring and effective approach that the school takes towards meeting their children’s needs. The school listens to its parents and pre-covid held several workshops and daily open sessions to support parents in supporting their children. This is starting back again. Parents feel that communication with the school is excellent: the Headteacher and other staff are always available to speak with parents. Comments from parents included,

?“All children have an equal opportunity to learn and progress and the school provides children with the support and tools to do that,” “My daughter is more independent and confident since she started Perrymount.”

?Being The Best They Can

The school uses every opportunity to reinforce pupils' lost learning by using ‘sticky knowledge’ which is consistently revisiting past concepts and vocabulary to make it memorable for the pupils. The school is preparing

for everyone to succeed, not just academically. When the children leave, they are ready for the next step in their journey.’

There are rewards for pupils to celebrate their many achievements, which they are very proud and pleased to receive. Exceptional features of this school include the overall inclusive vision and positive leadership of the Headteacher and SLT. The excellent behaviour and positive attitudes of pupils. The brilliant work of the SENCo and other specialists to support children with SEND and the outstanding teamwork of the teaching and support staff to enable all pupils to develop self-confidence and become the best that they can be.

Find out more about the IQM Inclusive School Award

If your school is interested in obtaining the IQM Inclusive School Award or you wish to talk to a member of the IQM team, please feel free to telephone: 028 7127 7857 (9.00 am to 5.00 pm) or email: [email protected] for further details.


