Perplexity and Wisdom
?Perplexity and Wisdom
Zac Poonen |?18?June 2023
?I want you to know that being?perplexed?when we are seeking to find the will of God about something is perfectly normal. It is the way God trains us to walk by?faith?- for certainty can be the equivalent of walking by?sight.
"Divine wisdom is a great thing to have"
Even the apostle Paul was perplexed many a time, not knowing the will of God. He says he was?“perplexed because we don't know why things happen as they do. But we don't give up and quit”?(2 Cor.4:8?- Living Bible).
One reason why God allows us to be perplexed and to make mistakes is so that?“no man will boast before Him”?(1 Cor.1:29). No one will be able to say in eternity that?because he did all the right things, he fulfilled God's perfect will. Our glorying in eternity will only be this - that God fulfilled His perfect will in us, even though we made so many?mistakes?and even though we committed so many?blunders. That is certainly my testimony. Thus, God alone will get?all?the glory, and we get?nothing. It is because many believers have not seen this?ultimate purpose?of God that they feel discouraged whenever they fail or whenever they are perplexed concerning God's ways and His will. God's ways are?not?our ways. They are as different as heaven is from earth (Isiah.55:8, 9).
Divine wisdom is a great thing to have. One aspect of wisdom is the ability to order our priorities aright - how much time to spend in academic studies, in God's Word, for work, for sleep, and for relaxation etc. It is in ordering their priorities that most believers fail, especially after they are married and have a family. So, it is good to acquire some of that wisdom when you are young and single. James says that if you lack wisdom (and we all lack it), you can ask God for it, and He will give it to you,?liberally. So, ask!
I want to encourage you all to read Chapter 6 of my book?FINDING GOD'S WILL. There I have spoken about?deliverance from indecision, freedom from regret over past decisions and freedom from the fear of making mistakes.
The man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything. Apart from Jesus Himself, no-one ever learned to walk in God's perfect will without making mistakes.?“The steps of good men are directed by the Lord.....If they fall it isn't fatal, for the Lord holds them with His Hand”?(Psa. 37:23,24?- Living Bible). So don't be afraid of making mistakes. God will protect you from making serious mistakes.