Permission To Sell
She saw me before I saw her.
I was walking from the car to the shop and I looked up and she was there.
Bright green vest.
The type of grin a spider gives a fly who has fallen into their web.
The charity collector.
I speak to them because when you've knocked on 10,000 doors in your life you have a little soft spot for people who sell like this.
Exposed, out in the open and willing to risk repeated rejection to make a sale.
After the pleasantries.
'Would you like to sign a petition?'
'Whats it about?'
'Polar Bears'
I gave her my name and email address.
and then it came.
'It's great that you want to support this cause. We fight for a lot of causes and depend on donations to....'
The sell.
I had given her permission.
Indicated I had a shared interest.
She knew my name so she could personalise her pitch.
I didn't 'buy' but I saw plenty of people who did and they will follow up with me to 'sell' again.
Its the same with situation with selling online.
Capturing the name and email addresses of prospects who have a shared interest gives us permission to sell.
We might not get the sale the first, second or even tenth time.
But we have permission.
If you're not building a list with permission to sell you are letting customers walk past you.
Outside your customer list its the single biggest asset in your business.
It allows you to make sales at will.
If you don't have a system to make sales at will you need to watch this Case Study