Permission To Feel..

Song worth listening to while reading this : BROCKHAMPTON - Sugar

In sales, we have a habit of burying our feelings for the sake of staying focused. But what we tend to neglect often resurfaces in a myriad of ways. Which is understandable considering the very nature of sales itself. While we may think we can continue to be high performing without taking care of what's going on in our heads - that can quickly become a recipe for disaster. One of the biggest keys to being great at sales in grit, and even then - you have to know when you need a pit stop. Yes, your numbers are important. But without a healthy mind-frame to operate from, how well do you expect to perform? Based off my experience and help I've been given along the way - here are 3 things you can do to get back to center and keep on being the high performer you know you can be.

  1. Turn off all electronic mediums used for work. All of it. In sales there is no such thing as being "off." As toxic as that may sound - in the back of our minds, we all know it's true. At the very least, we're on "standby" where as if we get a ping no matter what time it is we are all over it. But, I challenge you to consider turning off all electronics when you're not working. it's incredibly hard to be totally present in your own life while being assaulted with slack messages, emails, Linked In dm's ultimately you have to ask yourself what's the point of taking time off if you're not fully present in your own time off? Commit to going ghost. If only for a moment.
  2. Talk to a therapist. We often get weary when we hear the words "I'm seeing a therapist." Thankfully the stigma of having a therapist on tap isn't as taboo as it was in the past, and for good reason. Mental health and properly addressing it in a corporate setting is a two way street. A street where as I do believe it is up to the employer to have these services available for all sectors of its cohort but also it is up to the employee to take advantage of said services. I'd be lying if I mentioned that I have a great relationship with my own therapist, but the other day I left her on read (by accident, kinda) a part of me still thinks there is something "wrong" with me when it come to rationalizing why I have a therapist, but in an effort to be a whole human being - I am committed to working on my relationship with her. With that said - I encourage you to find a therapist. At the very least - find someone open, and willing to hear your grievances with a loving, understanding ear, and pay it back by doing the same for someone else when you're ready too. Learn to listen with love.
  3. Reconnect with your inner child. A lot of mental bumps and bruises do stem from childhood. In our parents defense most, if not all were simply doing the best they could, although we may not always want to come to terms with that - that is the case. The best way I believe we can mitigate our parental transgressions or other grievances we accrued over time - and keep them from manifesting themselves is by reconnecting to an activity you used to do as a child. That could be anything that brings you joy. For me it is painting, journaling and exercise. Taking time to reconnect to the "real you" is crucial in regards to connecting with how you really feel. Remember, we don't want to avoid our feelings - we want to feel our feeling, without losing ourselves in the process. Don't lose yourself trying to avoid yourself. Embrace your feelings and understand them, where they come from and allow them to move through you freely.

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller


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