Permanent Psychological Scarring
Holtz Realty

Permanent Psychological Scarring

In spite of it being quite chilly this morning, by the time Noon arrived, the sun had warmed things up enough to where it was at least bearable. Now that we're heading into April, I'll be welcoming the warmer days with open arms. Yes, it really wasn't a normal North Iowa winter we had, but there were still those long dark nights and cold days.

My first out of office appointment was to meet a buyer at a scheduled showing which went quite well. I couldn't help mentioning how many residences with that home's floor plan I've sold over the years. Knowing of the construction company that built them back in the day, their trademark always seemed to be the excellent job they did with pouring their concrete foundations. I didn't see one crack this morning in those basement walls. Yes, that builder definitely knew what he was doing.

When I got back to office, I had to call another agent to set up a showing for a home tomorrow, which happens to be located in one of our surrounding towns. Since my buyer has limited windows of time to look, I was happy when being told our time slot was going to work.

My appointment calendar is already starting to fill for tomorrow, and since I have to provide music over at St. Paul tomorrow evening, I'll definitely be dragging by the time I arrive home. I thought 6:30 to be a little late for a Good Friday Service, so they must've wanted to make sure everyone that works during the day, would have time to attend. I was told it was going to be a short one, so we'll see.

A call came in from the Pastor of First Congregational Church who was asking if I'd be available to play for a funeral this Saturday, and since I didn't have anything scheduled for that time, I agreed to do it. As I've said a very many times, I really have no problem playing for funerals because it's another part of giving back to our community. There's no question I've got enough music to pick from. I forgot to ask who the decedent was, so perhaps I'll recognize some of the family members. I was also told to make sure I attend their funeral luncheon which'll likely be in their basement banquet area.

A gentleman I've become acquainted with, just happened to be passing by my office, and when he saw me up front, he stopped in for a minute, and the main reason being, was to show me a short video he had on his phone of a pit bull that was on the verge of attacking him while out walking. Oh my goodness! He sure gave the owner of that dog a 'what for' with the 'f' bombs he was throwing her way. Of course it just happened to be the day he didn't have his can of pepper spray with him. That was one scary encounter he had.

After seeing that video, I insisted our city 'fathers' should create an ordinance where pit bulls wouldn't be allowed in our city limits. I couldn't help adding how they so freely enact less important ones, instead of focusing on the real problems which could be life-altering for those living here. I also shared the story about my having been bitten by a dog which should've been restrained, and you can bet I immediately took that incident to the next level. To this day, I don't understand the mentality of vicious dog owners who think that if their dogs bite someone, it really isn't that big of a deal. Well, it is a big deal because even though wounds heal, there's a permanent psychological scarring. That's all it takes is one good bite from a dog to forevermore alter one's feelings about dogs running free.

The buyer I showed that home to this morning, stopped by my office this afternoon to make an offer on it, so I went ahead and plugged-in the numbers and then took the time to go over the contract. Before walking out, I couldn't have made more of an assurance that if I were the sellers, I'd take it and run. Yes, the price, terms and conditions were that good, so we'll see how it all shakes out.

There's no question we're entering into what appears to be another 'feeding frenzy' in our market, and by the looks of it, the prices are spiking even more, which has me very concerned about what'll take place once we have a correction, and only because in my mind, there are a very many homeowners in North Iowa who're upside-down on their mortgages, and the sad part about it, they don't even realize it.

With a few free hours, I finally got back to my prolonged job of nut-cracking, and because I really didn't have much of an opportunity this week, today was the first time I in days, and when the hour to call it quits arrived, I'd say I managed to get a good two cups harvested, so if I can get that much each day until they're finished, I may possibly have them all cracked before it's time to work in the garden. I'll definitely have enough vacuum-wrapped and frozen for the various goodies I make and share over the year. Of course I managed to get another cut on my finger today from one of those very sharp shells.

I know I've been squawking in the past about not having enough active listings, so once again I'm plaintively pleading for all of you to put the word out about Holtz Realty's great need of new listings. Please keep in mind that my office is turning into a 'boutique' real estate office where we'll be offering even more hometown service. I dare say, there's rarely been a buyer or seller who's complained about our level of service, which should be all the more reason for the general public to make Holtz Realty their choice. I'm not bragging, but rather telling like it is.

Tonight's One-liner is: I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.

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