Perly HR and the Annual Celebration of the Polish Recruitment Industry
#In-house #Recruitment #Satisfaction #Achievement #PerlyHR #Celebration #WieczorRekrutera 2017
In a few days the Largest Recruitment Event in the History of Poland will take place in a venue in Central Warsaw. Expect lots of different people and many of them will be coming to see who the 3 Jury Members of PerlyHR have decided are the Best in Recruitment in Poland.
Since 2010 a lot of different people have attended the legendary Wieczor Rekrutera, from Researchers and Recruiters to HR Directors and Recruitment Leaders. There’s probably always someone you know at Wieczor Rekrutera as well.
The first PerlyHR awards took place in 2010, now there is a new generation of Recruiters joining the growing Recruitment Industry, and Wieczor Rekrutera is the only event dedicated to the Recruitment Profession that they can attend. The event will probably be on Snapchat and it will also probably be all over Facebook, LinkedIn, GoldenLine, Twitter, Instagram and a few other Social Media platforms – it’s an event that inspires the Recruitment Industry to show how well Recruiters can celebrate! And for many Recruiters right now there is a lot to celebrate!
Some Recruiters can get bored with the endless “searches” and reports that come with the job. It’s a very rewarding job, and can give recruiters the ability to make a real difference to people’s lives. But it does come with its’ own unique set of challenges like there being a candidate market in Poland right now.
It’s good to have a way to share with others how to overcome the challenges of the Digital Age during a Candidate Market. It’s good to hear and meet others like Tomasz Szpikowski and Artur Skiba who have faced and overcome the challenges of the last 15 years in Recruitment in Poland, and have both consistently supported Wieczor Rekrutera since the first edition back in 2010!
Wieczor Rekrutera is like an #Induction ceremony for Recruiters, attending could be seen as a Rite of Passage into the Recruitment Industry. #Induction training in any job is important, and it would be great to think that people felt the same about attending Wieczor Rekrutera and seeing for themselves the success of some of the people who have won Awards at PerlyHR. Natalia Kalinowska and Monika Wojciechowska were some of the first PerlyHR winners back in 2010, and since their successes were celebrated multiple Recruiters and Companies have benefitted from the recognition that PerlyHR gives.
Wieczor Rekrutera is very fortunate to have some of the most influential and in many cases legendary people in Poland’s HR and Digital sectors attend and support the event. People like: Joanna Malinowska-Parzydlo who supports the event each year adding credibility and prestige to the PerlyHR Awards Ceremony. Anna Wicha who continuously pushes the Editorial team at Magazyn Rekruter to make the Awards Ceremony ever better. Adam Supernak and Austin Birks, without whom Wieczor Rekrutera would never be as good as it is. Grzegorz Turniak who keeps trying to help us all network better, swapping contacts for contracts! Jaroslaw Adamkiewicz for motivating the industry and being rewarded with the Gold Cross of Honour by the Polish Government:
Marek Jurkiewicz for being a constant companion over the last few years and ensuring that has a large part to play in the History of Poland’s Recruitment Industry.
Aleksandra Radziewska-Wyludek, who really created the current concept of Wieczor Rekrutera, it was Aleksandra’s great achievement as Editor of Magazyn Rekruter that Wieczor Rekrutera became a recognized Industry event. Tomasz Suchon and Krzysztof Niedziela made an excellent team continuing the traditions of Wieczor Rekrutera whilst adding a more “millennial” feel to the event.
Anna Wicha, Artur Skiba, Tomasz Szpikowski, Stefan Schwarz, Michal Mlynarczyk and Yannick Coulange for ensuring that the event is well supported and represented by the Recruitment Industry, without the support of key industry figures PerlyHR and Magazyn Rekruter would not be as well-known as they are today.
Magdalena Bubela, Andrzej Borczyk and Cezary Maczka for making the PerlyHR competition reputable and by raising the standards of the Polish Recruitment Industry as Jury Members for the 2017 Awards Ceremony. The Jury Members ensure that the Awards are presented to the right people in the Recruitment Industry, rewarding the Recruiters who show the best Candidate experience whilst going the extra mile to ensure their Clients’ are satisfied. Some of the previous Jury Members of PerlyHR include industry leaders such as: Jolanta Jakobczyk, Monika Pakulska, Sylwia Krzyzycka, Katarzyna Gutmanska, Malgorzata Stasko, Zbigniew Hojka, Andrew Hallam, Dariusz Pastula, and Przemek Berendt, who all devoted their time to ensuring that Polish Recruitment reaches a higher standard.
Since the first Wieczor Rekrutera there has been some impressive Digital Leaders involved in the event. Robert Pasut for opening the first ever Wieczor Rekrutera event in 2010 and going on to make the most viewed Employment-related Film in the History of Poland: But also Artur Florczak whose Facebook page: has almost 99,500 likes right now and Rafal Ferber whose Facebook page: has just over 143,000 likes, both of them have taken part in Wieczor Rekrutera events in the past.
And who can forget the legendary I Love Wieczor Rekrutera T-Shirt that Jacek Krajewski wears each year? Thanks also should be mentioned to Krzysztof Bernatowicz and Piotr Mrozinski for being there in the early years of Wieczor Rekrutera to help make the event even more special.
Apart from the traditional Recruiter of the Year Category, there now appears to be growing interest from Recruiters based outside of Warsaw and from In-house Recruiters in the PerlyHR Awards. This growing interest is a big sign that things in the Polish Recruitment Industry are changing, the In-house Recruitment sector is starting to become an ever larger percentage of the entire Recruitment Industry and Warsaw has some competition from Krakow and Gdansk to consider in the next few years.
There needs to be a mention given for Malgorzata Ossowska, who helped inspire this years’ popular In-house Recruiter Category. With RPO becoming more widespread there is a lot more talk about In-house Recruitment than there ever was before, people like Malgorzata Wiarygodna will become more and more familiar figures in Recruitment.
Recruitment and Business Plans for 2018 are slowly taking shape, whilst Recruitment Leaders engage with Millennials on a daily basis, it might be worth considering the best Digital Marketing approach for 2018’s Plan as well. Personal Branding is becoming more and more important in the Digital Age, both individual Recruiters as well as Companies need a good digital presence and one of the things that PerlyHR has always tried to achieve is more visibility of the Polish Recruitment Industry on Social Media. This year use of Social Media has probably not reached its’ peak yet and there will be many years of Social Media and Graphic activity to get on with – and each year the Millennials are getting better and better at it. are the main sponsor of Wieczor Rekrutera for the 4th year in a row, and the support of Sponsors means the event will surely be another great success:
With only 4 days to go to Wieczor Rekrutera, it’s time to make sure you have your tickets to celebrate the Success of the Recruiter of the Year, the In-house Recruitment Team of the Year, the In-house Recruiter of the Year, and the Recruitment Agency of the Year in one of Warsaw’s best venues.
This is the Fifth and Last Part of a 5 Part Series of Articles celebrating the History of the Polish Recruitment Industry Awards Ceremony - #WieczorRekrutera – which on 12th October this year will hold its’ 10th Jubilee event in Warsaw. For more information make sure you get in touch with the team at Magazyn Rekruter.
To sign up for the event click this link.
For the previous Articles click on the below links:
#Creativity #WieczorRekrutera 2017
#Intuition #WieczorRekrutera 2017
Head of Global Finance Centre - Krakow
7 年Andrew Samu# Interesting Event, Have fun.
Looking like a Boss!
Would be great to see Marlena Majewska, Agnieszka Kaczmarczyk, Agnieszka Wójcik, Joanna Kochmańska, Joanna Parzuchowska, Paulina Estemberg, Daniella R. Goral, CSCP, Dagmara Balusz, Karolina Borucka, Julia Dobrowolska-Jelonkiewicz, Monika Nowicka, Monika Matuszewska, Agata Chaber, Wioleta Moroz, Viola P., Artur Florczak, Renata Wroc?awska, Marek Templer, Craig Smith, Mark Mulrainey, Agnieszka Walter, Katarzyna Fijalkowska, Guy Pinsent, Artur Migon, Agnieszka Lupa, Aleksandra Kujawa, Anna Jasińska, Dominika Staniewicz, Magdalena Kowalska, Agata Wierdak-Kutek, ?ukasz Bielawski, Ma?gorzata Bubel, Monika Nazar, Adam Komaiszko, Cezary Maciolek,MBA, Micha? Podulski, Anna Beler, Magdalena Krakowczyk, Daniel Lupinski, Micha? Staro?ciak, Hanna Jaskulowska, Karina Sawa, Magdalena Fory?, Marcin Pietruczuk, Krzysztof Bala, Marta Ko?akowska, Marlena Raczkowska, Jagoda Piechocka, Anna Zielinska-Wolfigiel, Marika Stasinowska, Monika Górska, ?ukasz D?browski, Kinga Felińska, Dominik Stepniewski, Ewelina Mika, Marcin Liwacz [email protected], Dorota Wasiewicz, Renata Murawiec, Ma?gorzata Jastrz?b, Katarzyna Wilga, Joanna Marsza?, Maria Karkuszewska, Izabella Kaczmarczyk, Korneluk Katarzyna, Michalina Jaryst, Kasia Borowicz there :)