A Periodic Vision Statement Revision Is The Guiding Light Of Successful Medical Practice In 2023
Dr. Adam Tabriz
“Founder @ PX6 Medical Systems | Innovating Cyber-Physical Healthcare Solutions | Transforming Patient Care & Management”
Your Vision And Mission Shape Your Medical Practice!
Every sovereign business and entity engaged in a commercial, industrial, professional organization or enterprise by disposition have its particular long-term results of their efforts. That is irrespective of if such an organization is for-profit or non-profit.
A company's vision statement outlines what the company means, where it stands in its respective community, and the concessions it brings to its stakeholders and clients. It is the principle by which organizations define their unique objectives and how they will strive to reach them.
Having a vision is the most critical element of any organization merely because it serves as the strategic plan for the company's success. It is more important than the company mission, as without vision mission may lead to a terminus that is not in line with the public demand.
The company mission undoubtedly helps the organization's participants realize their institution's purpose. It allows employees to see the positive aspect of what they do daily at the workplace.
Do Medical Practices Have A Vision?
Medical practices, just like any entity, should have a vision. That is not enough to set the generalized concept such as "every patient needs a doctor" or "patients need universal health coverage."
The mission of every medical practice may remain the same or vary depending on the particulars of their vision statement. However, periodic organizational vision update is essential for every medical practice. That is, if the medical clinic's success is the ultimate goal.
It is common for companies to revise their vision statements yearly to three years and as needed during transitions. Thus, company values are expected to transition parallel to those visionary reforms.
Revision of the company vision statements and new editions reflects how medical practices see the changes within their communities. That provides the perspective on how they will acclimate to societal shifts to stay ahead of the game.
Generational progress drives the need for vision updates. For instance, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z comprise segments of the same continuum of generational transition. Every epoch brings a new set of expectations and quality standards.
But, Not Every Medical Practice Has An Organizational Vision Statement
A recent State poll by MGMA (Medical Group Management Association) suggests that about 78% of medical group practice leaders stated that their institution has a vision statement. Among those medical practices, the number of organizations periodically revisited their vision statement varied significantly. Fifteen percent indicated that they had no interval review and update of their vision. Fifty-three percent (53%) said they revisit their concept annually, 29% said biannually or semiannually, and 3% needed clarification about having a vision revision policy.
Encouragingly, of those medical practices without a vision statement, almost 24% said they plan to add a vision statement in the coming year. In rare cases, some leaders even stated that having a mission alone was sufficient to guide their medical practice to success.
Medical Practices Need Guiding Light To Make Vision Statement Reform
Despite the improving awareness of medical practices on the significance of having a vision, mission, and values, still making the necessary transition, nevertheless, revisiting the vision statement is a complex undertaking. It requires a comprehensive understanding of the client and patient needs and expectations, connecting with them, and partnering in their medical care.
Particular knowledge and skills conform to the building block of medical care, taking into account patient expectations and morals of the new generation. Thus every successful medical practice must continually revisit them, ensuring our mission and values uphold those visions.