In the period 2-3 December, Sydney was the Center of World Apitherapy
Ladislau Rosenberg, Ph.D.
Consultant, Educator, Researcher, Writer in Natural Therapies and Founder of "Doctor Natura"- Holistic Health Consulting
I had the special honor of being invited by Dr. Bridget Goodwin, the President of the Australian Apitherapy Association,
who organized this exceptional scientific event, to hold a dialogue with Dr. Jack Felice, a renowned naturopathic doctor from the USA, about the synergism between medicinal cannabis , respectively the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and apitherapy, a subject which I then extended to other natural therapies, part of integrative medicine.
At this international scientific event, which was attended by specialists in the field of apitherapy, from various corners of the world, I presented the paper entitled:
"Possibilities to Use Apitherapy and other Natural Therapies in Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19"
In this way, I thank Dr. Bridget Goodwin for the opportunity to be present at the international conference organized by her, for supporting the values of apitherapy in the world.