The Perils of Parenting for College in Shakespeare Tone
O, wouldst thou learn the perils of parental urging? How 'tis a bane to force young minds to cling to college dreams, and all the stress they bring? In sooth, fair parents, let thy children be, and let them choose their own path, lest they grow weary of the burden thou dost place upon their shoulders, and their hearts be filled With woe and sorrow. For sooth, the pressure to succeed doth weigh heavily upon the youth, and doth impair their joy in learning, and their love of life. They become as slaves to grades and marks, and all the while, their true potential doth Remain untapped, and their hearts doth ache with longing for a life of freedom and delight. Moreover, the cost of college doth be high, and many a student doth graduate with debt that doth pursue them like a constant foe. And so, they doth begin their lives with a weight of financial burden, that doth make it hard for them to find their footing in the world. And, alas, the value of a college degree Doth not always guarantee success, nor doth it ensure a life of happiness and fulfillment. For many a person doth find their true calling in paths that do not involve a college degree, And yet, they doth find joy and prosperity in their chosen fields. Therefore, dear parents, let thy children be, and let them choose their own path, lest they Grow weary of the burden thou dost place upon their shoulders, and their hearts be filled with woe and sorrow. For 'tis better to be a happy and fulfilled person, than to be a successful one, according to the world's standards.
References: "The Pressure to Go to College" by Paul Tough, The New York Times, 2011
"The Myth of the 'Perfect' College Major" by Cal Newport, The New York Times, 2017
"The High Cost of Higher Education" by David Leonhardt, The New York Times, 2018
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