Vaughn Davis
Creative director and owner helping brands innovate and connect at The Goat Farm
You came down to earth:
The three of you,
50 rocks, 1000 photos, give or take
Bobbed around
and that was that.
Re-entry nominal, by the book, no mistakes.
Took off your space suit,
shook hands with Nixon,
drove back East to teach.
10,000 lectures later
Your wife, tidying up,
behind your ordinary pants and ordinary shirts
in the back of the cupboard found:
moon gloves.
White turned charcoal by the Sea of Tranquility.
Did you ever take them out?
Pull them on to the same old hands that flew the Eagle down
Remember the day their thumb covered the marble earth
Explain away the dust on your dressing gown
And when you waited for sleep
Lecturing done
Gloves in their secret place
Did you smile when the moonlight touched your face?