Perhaps this very moment is YOUR time…..
Philippa Bottrill
Owner of Balance, Newark's Pilates & Low Back Pain Studio, and of Rapid Transformational Therapy with Philippa Bottrill
Of course this moment is your time, that is just the point…….and not one that most of us really like to acknowledge
But exactly where you are in life – in your work, in your relationships, your finances, your health, your well-being – is exactly where you are supposed to be, and therefore this very moment, this instant, right here and now, is YOUR time.
So, I suppose the thought should really be – am I happy with my life, my work, my relationship, my health, my wellbeing? Is it how I’d like it to be, does it bring me happiness, joy? Do I feel like I’m truly awake and alive and living my life to the fullest, or is it leaving me feeling that it’s not quite what I hoped for, dreamt for? That it’s not quite how I imagined when I set out on my journey as a positive, excitable teenager full of expectations on how my life would be?
My life, your life, our reality is a combination of our thoughts, our thoughts create our reality – each and every one of us.
I know for some of us that’s a concept we might not grasp, or perhaps we don’t believe it, maybe we prefer to believe that life just happens to us and we are powerless and at the mercy of whatever comes our way?
In some ways that’s right, we have no control, absolutely no control, of the events in our lives, bad stuff happens and it happens to all of us and we never know when it will happen. This is the same for good stuff too though. We can’t simply fight reality, no matter how unfair it might seem, and if we do, it leads us straight down the path to misery, as this is where stress and anxiety exists. If we can’t accept what has happened to us, we will suffer, if we constantly worry about what might happen to us, we will suffer, as neither of those situations can be controlled by us…………but how easy is it to constantly worry about the future, the ‘what ifs’ and once we start on that track, it just gets bigger and worse in our heads until we’ve IMAGINED, yes imagined the very worse thing that can happen AND we have made ourselves feel so very miserable.
I’ve done it, you will have too and perhaps you still do it now?
Now, the control freaks amongst us, come on, we know who we are, hate that feeling of being out of control – it’s scary!
But, and as usual it is a big but, we do have control over ONE thing, and that is the most important thing, the thing that makes us Human, the thing that can make our lives be the most wonderful, joyous brilliant experience ever or equally the worse, most miserable, existence ever.
That ONE thing, that most powerful of all things is YOUR thoughts.
You have a choice, you always do have a choice and you and only you can choose how you think. I know it can feel hard not to get dragged into negativity, especially when the bad stuff happens, but it is still your choice. You decide how you are going to respond to a situation, you are in control of that decision, always, and that in itself is powerful.
So, if you allow your thoughts to be along the lines of I am not enough, nothing works for me, I’m not clever enough and so on, the feelings you experience as a result of your thoughts will be negative, feelings of inadequacy, incompetence. Now, as we always act from our feelings, the things you do will reflect your feelings – you don’t accept an opportunity as you don’t feel worthy, you don’t follow your dreams but settle for mediocrity as it feels safer, you don’t explore our wonderful planet as you feel it’s not available to you, or as simple as you don’t buy the beautiful jumper because you don’t feel attractive enough – see how it all works.
Right now, look at YOUR moment and ask yourself if it’s what you really want, if not, really take notice of your thoughts, they are far more powerful than you’ve probably given them credit for.
Like most things, our negative thoughts can be so habitual that at first it seems so hard to change them, to stop them, but if you practise (and practise daily), they will change: as the quality of your thoughts change, the quality of your life will change too ??