Shanmuga Priya .
Lecturer | SNS institutions | SNSCAHS | Operation Theatre and Anesthesia Technology | Design Thinker
Perfusion Week is an annual awareness week that celebrates the perfusionist, team members, colleagues and their contributions to cardiac surgery in providing high quality patient care.
This year's theme: Connected to Life!
As a part of their life, perfusionist handle very critical equipment such as, HLM (Heart Lung Machine), Intra Aortic Balloon Pump (IABP), ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenator), Cell Salvage Techniques and VAD (Ventricular Assisted Devices).
On Behalf of Perfusion Appreciation Week, SNS College of Allied Health Sciences conduced a celebration on 28th May 2024. Our Students were actively participated in making models, charts and an expo.
The chief guest for the program Dr. Thiruvenkadam, from Karpagam Hospital headed the event and thought the importance of the field.
The day was a memorable one for all the future perfusionist?of?SNS.