The perfume of roses
As part of Pink October, the Maison Christian Louboutin has decided to support the photo project of one of its collaborators: Didier Platel, who wanted to act against breast cancer by producing a series of portraits, "The Perfume of Roses", whose aim is to raise awareness of screening. Because even today, unfortunately, many women do not get screened regularly and therefore are not taken care of early enough for the treatment to be effective, it is vital to relay this message!
According to the World Health Organization[1] , breast cancer is present in all countries and it affects women of all ages from puberty onwards. But its incidence increases with age. Mortality from breast cancer changed little between the 1930s and the 1970s, when surgery was the exclusive primary mode of treatment (radical mastectomy). Survival rates began to improve during the 1990s when countries implemented early detection programs combined with comprehensive treatment programs, with effective medical therapies. Today, if caught in time, the 5-year survival rate is 90% according to the League Against Cancer[2] .
Certain factors increase the risk of breast cancer, including age, obesity, alcohol abuse, a family history of breast cancer, radiation exposure, gynecological history (age at first menstrual period and at first pregnancy, for example), smoking, and post-menopausal hormone therapy. However, almost half of breast cancers affect women who do not have any particular risk factors other than sex (female) and age (over 40 years old). According to the Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation[3] , 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime and 1 in 34 will die from it. That's why we recommend that you get screened by healthcare professionals every year!
And breast cancer is not just a women's issue, first of all because every man can carry this message and influence his loved ones to take care of themselves and their health, but also because men can be affected by breast cancer directly by being affected themselves (they represent between 0.5 and 1% of patients).
By joining this project, each person who has been photographed has decided to commit to the promotion of prevention among those around them: self-examination but also and above all an annual visit to a seasoned doctor to do the test and thus be screened as soon as possible. Breast cancer can affect at any age! Young and old alike are invited to carry out this follow-up to be taken care of and integrated into an adequate medical pathway that can save their lives!
In addition to raising awareness, the company financed the participation of 60 employees in the Odyssea race, which made it possible to make a donation of 1900 euros to breast cancer research.
So we all have a role to play! The company has decided to do this thanks to several actions, including the creation of an awareness channel through the poetry of the images of Didier Platel, who has once again carried out a magnificent project that carries an important message: Take care of yourself!
Thank you to our collaborators who have committed: Didier Platel above all, but also Alicia Bouzit, Céline Blanc, Chedia Arfaoui, Claire Carteron Garance Dumargne, Imen Sassi, Kady Camara, Sabrina Keleyan, Tom Cuellar, Usama Abdal, Yerlie Serena Lee and Yunning Zhu and to Fanny who accepted to share her testimony in the realization of this project.
[1],%C3%A0%20l'%C3%A9chelle%20du%20globe .
Beautiful initiative and photos!!
Thanks to?Magali Clément for her support so as Didier Platel,?Alicia Bouzit, @Céline Blanc,?Chedia Arfaoui,?Garance DUMARGNE,?Imen Sassi, Kadi CAMARA,?Sabrina Keleyan,?Tom Cuellar,?Usama Abdal,?Yerlie Lee?et?Yunning ZHU?for their commitment!