Performers Vs. Posers

Performers Vs. Posers

*Co-authored by the one and only SMSgt (ret) Charles "Chuck" Ball!

A two part podcast with Chuck below:

Are You a Performer or a Poser?

In my experience, nearly everyone I ask this question responds with "I am a performer!" So why is it that many individuals are not being coached, led, or inspired? The answer may lie in the prevalence of posers compared to genuine performers.

Posers "act" the part, while performers "play" it. The notion of "fake it until you make it" is misleading; the truth is that the facade will eventually be uncovered. Observers judge actions, not words, and authenticity is imperative.

Unfortunately, many prioritize their own interests throughout their careers, only offering support when they have little left to gain, often toward the end of their journey.

I encourage you to reflect: Are you a performer or a poser? It can be challenging to assess ourselves; consider seeking feedback from your inner circle.

Key Takeaways: We understand the essence of President Roosevelt’s message: if you’re not engaged in the arena, you’re merely casting stones from the sidelines.

Having experienced both successes and setbacks, I approach you with humility and wisdom derived from my time in the arena. Here are four focal areas for your consideration:

Performers vs. Posers: Understanding the Differences

Focus on Mission vs. Focus on Position Performers prioritize inspiring others and often sacrifice their positions to serve their mission. They actively seek opportunities to uplift those around them and invest their time in leadership rather than seeking personal gain.

Identifiers of Performers:

  • Servant Syndrome: Constantly serving others.
  • Faithfully Optimistic: Committed to their team’s potential.
  • Humble Heroes: Go the extra mile to lift others.

In contrast, posers are fixated on advancing their careers and constantly searching for the next opportunity rather than finding success in their current roles.        

Identifiers of Posers:

  • Location Condition: Believe success lies elsewhere.
  • Someone Else Disorders: Rely on others for their success.
  • Relapse Misery: Feel held back by past failures.

Integrity vs. Image Performers value integrity and understand that trust is foundational to effective leadership. If a leader cannot uphold their word or actions, they lose credibility.

Posers focus on image, striving for a presentable fa?ade without building a solid foundation. This superficiality ultimately leads to failure.

It's crucial that what is beneath the surface holds greater significance than external appearances.        

Courageous Decisions vs. Folding Under Pressure Performers adhere to their core values and are willing to make challenging decisions. They often confront difficult choices that prioritize the organization and its people.

Posers tend to choose the easier, less principled route, which can lead to negative consequences.

While everyone has the power to choose, those choices can also exert power over us.        

Resilience vs. Complacency Performers, akin to warriors, show resilience, demonstrating mental strength and composure in challenging situations. They become the steady force amidst chaos, whereas posers may falter under pressure.

Performers recognize they don't need to be "right" all the time—humility and open-mindedness are vital traits of effective leaders.

Some individuals may start as performers but shift to posing over time due to fatigue or complacency, failing to adapt to new challenges.        

Transitioning to a poser mentality is easier but comes at a cost. True performing requires courage, grit, and discipline, while posing may appear comfortable, delaying meaningful contributions until it’s too late to make a substantial impact.


Let's make sure that we are courageous, not corrupt!        

Bonus Insight: Identifying "Paper Tigers", an idea presented in my book, "Leadership: Boots vs. Slippers" as "paper tigers,"

For those familiar with my podcast and videos, you understand my reference to "paper tigers." These individuals may have impressive credentials—resumes, performance reports, awards—but lack true leadership skills. They are posers who undermine their teams and environments.

As actual performers, it is our duty to prevent the emergence of such posers. We must provide constructive feedback and address "paper tigers" promptly; they will quickly retract when challenged.

Posers are often perpetuated by others like them or by inadequate coaching and feedback. Many individuals receive promotions and responsibilities they are unprepared for, leading to their eventual failure. It is crucial that we commit to developing readiness in others through proper coaching, ensuring we do not foster any more posers in our organizations.

Thoughts from my guest and coauthor on this article, Charles "Chuck" Ball

These 1-liners are ??, especially when coupled with the thoughts he shared during the interview.        

What are performers?

  • Individuals who are considered performers will go above and beyond to achieve their personal and professional goals.
  • These folks within your organization will take the initiative to lead a new project that comes down at the 9th hour.
  • Individuals who display superior sustained performance…and live up to our Air Force core values of integrity, service, and excellence. *swap Air Force for your organization
  • Their performance doesn't go up and down like a seesaw, like adolescents playing at a playground.
  • They are result-oriented individuals who focus on both the journey and destination. And do what needs to be done to push the mission forward. They understand and execute the vision of the team.
  • Performers recognize the value that every member brings to the team….and celebrate them when they achieve success loudly and proudly.
  • When things get a 'lil' rough and tough….they dig a little deeper and do what's necessary to propel the team to victory.

  • The work you are doing is not in vain.
  • I know you're probably looking at the poser and thinking…dang, they are over there selling pipe that all it takes?!
  • I assure you what you're seeing out of the poser…will not shine forever.
  • Know what you are doing…is building something that will last much longer.
  • Leaders, we have to do a better job holding non-performers accountable…and not putting so much on our performers. As I thought about how to best describe you [a performer]…a sunflower is what comes to mind. A sunflower symbolizes loyalty and intense bonds. Like the performer…it symbolizes positivity and strength as the bloom turns to face the sun. Like the performer…the sunflower nourishes itself and others since the sunflower produces an abundance of edible seeds.

  • Each is the performance of a dedicated precise set of acts, physical or intellectual, from which comes the shape of achievement, a sense of one's being, a satisfaction of spirit.
  • Practice means to perform, repeatedly, in the face of all obstacles, some act of vision, of faith, of desire.
  • Practice is a means of inviting the perfection desired.

Performers…you are who you are because you are steadfast, immovable, and consistent in your works.

Performers, we see you….and we hear you!

Performers are the real deal, while Posers are gold plated ?

  • Posers pretend to be something they are NOT.
  • They are individuals who frequently fit the right image or say the right things to get into certain positions, then fail to produce.
  • Posers are individuals that want you to believe they are the glue that holds everything together within the organization.
  • They are individuals that fail at highlighting the abilities and successes of others….and when they try…the spotlight always comes back to them.
  • To drive this poser point home, I would like to compare posers to gold plating. Gold plating is a process where a thin layer of gold is bonded onto some form of base metal. Gold plating is commonly used for costume jewelry or to mimic more expensive pieces. It is almost impossible to tell apart expensive pieces from the imitations. Over time the gold plating can fade and tarnish. Coming into contact with salt, water, sweat, or high humidity can cause the piece to lose its luster.
  • Posers most often exude confidence, are well-liked, and are socially skilled; but never really achieve anything of substance and often make more of a mess when they are involved.
  • Allowing posers to go unchecked can bring about the level of risk that causes the entire organization to fail.

Going from Poser to Performer

  • My belief is most of the individuals that are operating as posers want to become performers but don't know how yet.
  • To transform into a performer….we must acknowledge our shortcomings upfront.
  • Trust equals character plus competence….Do you have both?
  • My advice is to seek a mentor and coach to help develop you to reach your full potential.
  • Find someone who will tell you what you need to hear vs. what you want to hear.
  • Start soliciting feedback from those in your formation and reflect on what is provided for applications.

Treat people with dignity and respect.

  • TOGETHER, a mission-oriented team can thrive on unique talents, knowledge, and skills.
  • Never use another person's back as a footstool to elevate yourself…the quicker you understand this…, the faster success will find you.
  • Practice humility, and build credibility with your faithful actions of getting after the mission and taking care of people.
  • A team of people working together to achieve the organization's goals can be more effective in accomplishing the mission than individuals working independently.
  • Attitudes are positive, and none are judgmental. The best teams focus on and acknowledge what others do right instead of criticizing and focusing on the things they do wrong.
  • Remember, the success of a leader isn't measured by any individual accomplishments they have achieved but is measured by the team's success!
  • Don't fake it until you make it….and never be afraid of failure.
  • As leaders and quite honest as people, we cannot allow failure to stop our drive.
  • When we become so afraid to fail, it causes us to stagnate with our development.
  • We can choose to see that failure as the end of the world, or we can choose to see it as a learning opportunity.
  • If you always do what you've always done, you'll always reap the same results.

I’ll leave you with this, “Behind an able man there are always other able men.”

The truth is teamwork is at the forefront of EVERY high-performing team.

Never use another person's back as a footstool to elevate yourself…the quicker you understand this…, the faster success will find you.

Triple Heat:

Favorite Quotes:

“You can’t have me, without having the Christ that resides within me.”
“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”

Favorite Book: Infinite Game

About Charles “Chuck” Ball

Charles is a man of authenticity that shares his time, resources, and abilities with his community, colleagues, and friends while maintaining his family. The ability to do those things comes from the faith that has been instilled in him. Growing up on the Mississippi Gulf Coast then serving his country, he has met and been influenced by people who share common goals and make a positive impact wherever they are.

He is a dedicated father, husband and is an active member of the church.

FREE RESOURCE: handout/note taker: performers-vs.-posers-1Download

Key Take-a-Ways:

  • Performers focus on mission, Posers focus on position
  • Performers Value Integrity & Posers Value Image
  • Performers Make Courageous Decisions & Posers Fold Under Pressure
  • Performers Lace-Up they are ?? and Finish & Posers Slide Into Their ?? and Fade …
  • Don't fake it until you make it; you are only faking yourself
  • You are built for this; you are a performer

Reflective Questions:

  1. If polled, what would your team describe you as, and why?
  2. Do you need to change anything right now to be a performer vs. a poser?
  3. What experiences have you learned the most from regarding this topic?
  4. Why do you think posers are posers?
  5. Why do you think some performers turn into posers?
  6. What steps can you take to keep you from being or becoming a poser?

Let's Get After It!

Connect with Caleb:


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