Performance Through Collaboration
David Whiting
HSE Culture Specialist: Helping Businesses Identify, Connect & Engage with Safety Leadership and Culture
There is a brilliant quote that says something along the lines of ‘People don’t remember what you said, but they do remember how it made them feel!’ and I love this.
Feelings drive behaviours.
Reflection point – to help a better version of you to show up, and for you to connect better with who you are communicating with...
Try it just for tomorrow (one step at a time!)– before you say or type anything (especially in anger – we’ve all done it!) just stop and breathe, take your hands away from the key board and ask yourself…
“How will I make that person feel if I communicate with them like this?”
This one question really helps to optimise the amount of times your comments are part of a solution based conversation. Finding collaborative solutions rather than just massaging our own egos by trying to be ‘right’ or purely focusing on what is good for us, but maybe not the team…
It’s simple yet highly effective for making people feel valued, less stressed and getting the best out of you and your colleagues.
Try it. Just for tomorrow!