Performance, Packaging, and Promotions
Performance, Packaging, and Promotions?
The three Ps according to me, have become the most essential aspects of our life in this deafening social clutter - more so professional and public lives. Each of these is a crucial tier which we have to pay attention to, focus our energies on and put efforts into, in order to be successful in today's professional life.
Content (read, performance) was always and for the longest time the only important aspect but things have changed in the last decade, and more dramatically so in recent times.
To give you a simple example, in today's world, as an employee of an 'X' organization, not only one has to exceed given targets (i.e. perform well) but also ensure that the efforts put in are also packaged well. Packaged in a way that the organization sits up and takes notice of it, and realizes and appreciates the labor that has gone into it.
Quietly delivering the goods is not enough!
And in cases when you exceed the expectations, you must also 'talk' about it (be your own PR machinery). Walk the talk and then talk about the walk!
Unfortunately, there are still many who focus only on the first 'P' (Performance) and are sorely lacking in the other 2 Ps (Packaging and Promotions).?
They think - “Why should I talk about my achievements, isn't that bragging? I would rather have my work speak for itself.” That's the thought process they believe in possibly because of their culture and upbringing.
While some others may think - “I don’t think this is worth talking about or sharing with others.”. In these cases, it could be the person’s Imposter Syndrome in motion.
For the many shouting out from the rooftops about their achievements whether deservedly or not there are many more who are quietly sitting in the basement shying (or staying) away from the limelight.
While some have a flair for making even the seemingly inconsequential stuff important and obvious, there are others who are quietly brilliant.
But in today's fast-paced, chaotic, clamorous world, it has become imperative to break through the clutter, beat our own drums and create a symphony that is heard by our audience far and wide.
And here's why I say this.
These are pre-pandemic times. It was a weekend and?I was traveling in a car and passively listening to my favorite morning RJ on a local radio channel. As usual, he was talking excitedly about the happenings in the city, upcoming films, their songs and reviews, and some social causes. And then suddenly, he veered to the subject of Marathi Theatre. He said something that has stayed with me that made me write this piece.
He was recounting how, since time immemorial, Marathi Theatre has been offering the most critically acclaimed plays, best performances, directors, original stories, and award-winning actors/actresses to its discerning audience. Unfortunately, it has not gotten the deserved adulation and status that it should command. And unfortunately, it's stagnating today. Those who follow theater passionately will surely understand its predicament.
Then he spoke about, how in spite of its diminishing stature, its zealous audience continues to throng the theaters even for an obscure 3 pm show that too on a Monday afternoon and makes it a 'House Full' show. This passion reflects the love they have for the content and performances of the talented powerhouses that embody Marathi Theater.
Now imagine how impactful and successful these guys (Marathi Theater producers) would have been if they were strong in their Packaging and Promotions department as well. Probably it would have even given all other formats a run for their money. Sadly, the ilk of Marathi Theater producers, directors, and writers belong to the small surviving group which focuses purely on 'Performance' and ignores the other two Ps. They don't understand that in order to reach the heights it is worthy of and become even bigger, they need to change their own mindset. A mindset that caters to the 'new' and changing landscape. And in addition, shout out from rooftops about the brilliant art that they have to offer to a larger audience.
Otherwise, it surely curtains down for them. And that will be a sad day for all the avid Marathi theater lovers across generations.
In a nutshell, it’s not just enough to deliver great performances but it's also important to craft compelling stories (advertisements) and share those accomplishments with the right audience as well.
We should not consider it as promoting self, bragging, or boasting. We should think that by sharing what we have inside us, there are many who could benefit from it. It could possibly make a difference in someone's life.
With that changed perspective, all who have been quietly working in the basement take that elevator straight to the rooftop and shout out your accomplishments. Not with the intention of promoting yourself but with the intention to make a difference for those who may benefit from your stories and achievements. Maybe inspire them as well. Who knows!
Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less.
- C S Lewis
Founder - SABCONS | Consulting & Training in Project Management, Leadership, Strategy & MS Project
2 年Naive: Focus only on Performance. Shy away from Packaging and Promotion. Perhaps because of cultural upbringing. Most of them lead a modest lifestyle.? Sensible : Believe in all 3 Ps and the objective is to create awareness so that others can benefit. Live on their terms. They are a small minority.? Sharks: Shout from the rooftop and take credit for work done by folks working in the basement. Try to prevent the other two categories from even humming. Unfortunately they are the majority.? People should reflect on how they have positioned themselves.? I can relate to your meaningful article Priya Awasare?!? Credit: "Naive", "Sensible" and "Shark" Mr. J. Pinto, management expert on organisational politics.?