Performance Engineering Track at Community Over Code EU 2024 - Sessions Announced
The preliminary Community Over Code EU sessions 2024 are now available, including the accepted talks for the 4th Performance Engineering track at Apache events. The CFP came out in November 2023 and it's been a busy time reviewing and selecting the final talks. Thanks to track co-chair Stefan Vodita, and Roger Abelenda, for reviewing, and the Community Over Code EU conference organisers for facilitating the reviewing and sending out the announcements etc.
The acceptance rate for the track was lower than previous events (28%) with talks on a nice mixture of Apache technologies including Apache Flink, Apache Iceberg, Apache Impala, Oxia (part of the Apache Pulsar project, a potential Apache ZooKeeper replacement), and Apache Kafka.
This takes our list of technologies that have appeared in the track over the last few years to this (technologies in this event highlighted):
The Performance Engineering focus is a bit different this time around too, mainly focussing on performance and scalability by design and operations.
Congratulations to the authors of the accepted talks, and thanks to everyone for submitting proposals, there were lots of good ones and as usual it was tricky to select the best (we were looking for talks focussing on Apache technologies, with an interesting Performance Engineering story).
There are also many other talks at the conference (in other tracks) with Performance-related themes, including Apache Ratis, LLM Performance, Groovy and Apache Ignite, Ozone, and Apache Druid.
The Performance Engineering track is scheduled for Wednesday, June 5, 2024, from 11:10 am to 2:40 pm in Bratislava, Slovakia.
Registration is now open, so we hope to see you there.
A New Train
As promised in the CFP, I've added a new Train to the growing list for the track above, the Green Anton, top speed 110 km/h. Details from Wikipedia:
No. 486.007, known as the Green Anton is a preserved steam locomotive built in 1936 and based in Vrútky, Slovakia, owned by Slovak Republic Railways (?SR). It is one of the de:?SD-Baureihe 486.0 class, and has a green livery.