Performance difference in Acumatica between MS SQL and MySQL

Performance difference in Acumatica between MS SQL and MySQL

I decided to take on myself risk of getting involved in holy war I've decided to compare performance of two databases for Acumatica: My SQL and MS SQL. So to say battle between both of them.

Relatively recently Acumatica provided possibility to use MySQL as it's database. For some unknown reason I didn't notice anybody who decided to use MySQL as their database solution. If you know any, please let me know, how they like their experience. 

For me as developer it become interesting to check performance of MySQL vs MS SQL. Especially from standpoint of servers. Take note on how one of mine task managers look like:

as you can see I have 40 logical cores or 20 physical cores. Try to guess what is price of license for MS SQL for using at such a computer? According to this link one core costs 14 256 $, or 285 120$. Definitely pretty costly database.

And what would be price of MySQL for such a machine? Zero. Or maybe not zero, if you decide to support MySQL community, but that will be price which you'd be willing to give. Not forced to give.

From this comparison MySQL looks very attractive. What about performance?

In order to test it, I've created small button code that executes creation of sales orders, and in the end gives some numbers. You can take a look on source code at gist.

Basically that code adds button Test on screen Sales orders, and if you click on that button, it will execute single thread that will measure how many milliseconds it will take to create 10, 100, 500, 1000, 1500 sales orders. 

Below goes table which describes results on MS SQL and MySQL:

As you can see from the table, MS SQL is as usually around 20% faster then MySQL.

At diagram level it looks like this:


As you see from the test, MySQL is slower on 20% then MS SQL. It means that if you need something 20% faster then the other and can afford it, go on MS SQL. If you want to get cheaper, and don't plan to have huge loading on your Acumatica then MySQL can help you to save some money.


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