Performance and competency approach in TNA

Performance and competency approach in TNA

  1. I do not believe in a survey approach to TNA. It is subjective and the feedback is a collections of personal opinions.
  2. An objective approach to identify training needs would be performance gap approach. Through benchmarkings the critical performance gaps of a company are identified.
  3. From the gaps, conduct root cause analysis. Most performance problems could be caused due to lack of motivation, resources, communication or authority.
  4. Here, non-training solutions should be applied.
  5. If lack of performance is due to lack of competency, training interventions maybe necesssary.
  6. How do you know there is a competency gaps? If the solutions to a performance problems is caused by not using the industry best practices.
  7. Conduct a competency profile of the relevant job holder. Compare the relevant skills with that of the industry competency standards. The competency gaps are the training needs.
  8. Skills could be upgraded by mere self taught or personal coaching.
  9. Please remember that training is just a copy and paste activities. A competent worker should be able to produce the standard performance.
  10. With training there should be a gain or improvement in performance. To justify the training, a cost benefits analysis could be conducted.


