"Perform White collar Job the Blue collar Way - or you don't deserve any $ollar”
Maya Suresh Kannan
Author of mayaNomics, a GeoEconomic Futurist, Investment Adviser, Think Tank, Venture Architect, and Fund Manager.
It is absolutely true that economic upturns of any region in the world don't bring any substantial changes in the mindsets of workforces positioned under the White collar tiers of corporations primarily. Their predominant focus is always on the superficial things, things that generally do not add anything meaningful to the value tables of their professions. Except for few fortunate ones, every tale of job hunt begins on a struggling note, knitted with sarcasm from society & family, unnecessary competitions among peer groups, but, as soon as we find ourselves onboard, we switch on to a negative role as if it was already prewritten in the script of job hunt. We forget that the ladder to reach the corporate pinnacle has its own set of fixed steps and we just can’t jump them by involving ourselves in office politics or having regular egocentric altercations with colleagues or by wasting precious work time on the social media platforms. We forget the fundamental meaning of Job, the definition of “Employment” which in any context means “Work”. According to the Merriam Webster, all definitions of WORK churn out a unanimous conclusion and that is “Getting things accomplished”. The most important definition I have come across thus far is:
Work:"Energy expended by natural phenomena; the result of such energy; transference of energy that is produced by the motion of the point of application of a force and is measured by multiplying force and displacement of its point of application in the line of action. It is natural physics and we all studied it once”.
Now, take a glimpse at The Blue Collar workforce section of any corporate, you will observe extremely straightforward and concrete metrics of measuring job deliverables that have been established over the years. The performances can simply be measured by the factor that how efficiently the Blue Collar guy moves a thing from point A to point B or how effectively two pieces of thing are put together. Now in a classic scenario, if a process worker leaves the designated work spot and logs into social media account for a quick chat session, what would happen? How fatal it can get? Imagine for a second. Any operations officer wouldn’t wish to think about it happening under his/her duty time ever and if it does happen, the first action would be sacking the irresponsible employee quickly. Let’s stretch this thread of thought a little further, imagine your life, if the pizza guy starts delivering pizzas in a couple of hours as social chat session becomes more important for him/her or a truck driver starts watching YouTube channels in the middle of the road. The point I want to make here is, if the Blue Collar workforce undergo stringent parameters for getting their work measured then why we let the white collar workers go loose. Why we accept their unproductive work patterns, unworthy results, and still offer them a salary 5 times more than the blue collar worker.
I am not supporting socialism here. I am a hard core capitalist myself and definitely a true one if you really get down to business.
Right now, my focus is to highlight irresponsible WORK. Work is all about productivity, it is about producing positive result whether you use muscle (Blue Collar) or mind (White Collar). Yes, I agree that mind is a precious asset and it requires different levels of skills to utilize it. I have no qualms over it. That's how a white collar worker is paid more. But, is the guy from the white collar section really producing more? This is my big question. Right now, if you ask me, I have a very terse reply “NO”. In my definition of rewarding work, “Work more, paid more”. Contrary to what they should actually produce, they are not even achieving half of what they are paid for. As a consequence, they are breaking backs of the Blue Collar guys by bringing in extra burdens because of their consistent failures. And it is really unjustifiable; White Collar guys must get down to real equations of work. My strong message to them is: stop fooling around, produce equal, stop cheating, else you will be experiencing a big revamp not favoring you at all. The essence of this write up is, “Dear white collar workers, if you want to continue making big chunk of money and keep your jobs intact, it is high time that you pull up your socks and get the damn RESULT.
Suresh Kannan