Immunological profiling of chronic obstructive airways disease and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Cátedra de Salud Respiratoria
Tenemos como objetivo investigar y organizar actividades de formación sobre la relevancia de la salud respiratoria.
Respiratory diseases, as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF), are heterogeneous and complex conditions, which in some individuals coexist. The aim of this work was to characterize the similarities and differences of the lung and blood immune cell profile in IPF and COPD vs. normal lung function controls.
To infer the lung infiltrate composition, we used an immune cell deconvolution method in the microarray gene expression data from the 582 subjects of the Lung Tissue Research Consortium: 160 IPF, 220 COPD and 108 controls. The whole dataset was split in two to have a test and a validation cohort.
In lung, B-cell related signatureswereup-regulatedboth in IPF and severe COPD. IPF was also characterized by an up-regulation of activated CD4 and CD8 cells signatures. In contrast, in severe COPD we observed anincrease in CD8, Th1, Th17, macrophages, monocytes and dendritic signatures. These findings were replicated in the second dataset and validated by qPCR. We compared the differences in distribution of the immune cell signatures across diseases. Key genes were validated by qPCR and we finally assessed if any of these changes could be detected in blood by flow cytometry. In blood of IPF we observed a significant decrease in CD8+ na?ve T cells and a trend toward lower levels of CD8+CD28+ cells in both IPF and COPD.
We conclude that IPF and COPD have both shared and distinct immune profile abnormalities in the lung and blood, which might be underlying the shared co-occurrence and the specific disease pathology. The association of these immune profiles with clinical endpoints is under evaluation.
Autores: Jacobo?Sellares Torres,?Nuria?Mendoza?,?Sandra?Casas Recasens?,?Fernanda?Hernández?,?Nuria?Albacar?,?Noel?Guillaume?,? àlvar Agustí ?,? Rosa Faner
Artículo retirado de: European Respiratory Journal 2020;?56: suplemento?64, 2294.
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Este resumen fue presentado en el Congreso Internacional ERS 2020, en la sesión “Virus respiratorios en la era “pre COVID-19””.
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