Perfectly natural laws govern our human experience
Matters Magazine Sunshine Coast
What Matters Most on the Sunshine Coast. Matters Magazine is all about education, inspiration and connection.
A natural law-based system guides our lives every moment. Like gravity, it's always at work, no matter if we understand or accept it. In my career, I've had an odd relationship with money. I often thought there wasn’t enough. My beliefs controlled what I thought I could earn and I believed working harder would solve the problem. It didn’t. Luckily, life provides. When money was tight, circumstances shifted, leading to better times. Some call it luck. I now see it as intelligent design.
We all live in a perfectly natural intelligent system. What we think about, we create. Our minds shape our reality. I learned I’d limited my earning potential with fixed ideas about money that weren’t serving me.
Investing in personal development has taught me to stretch my imagination and let go of control. By breaking through self- imposed limits, I’ve embraced the natural order of life.
The first principle is to recognise that energy—or God—is. We all have access to a formula for success: Desire + Non-Resistance
= Desired Outcome.
Applying this means taking inspired action. Here’s how:
My work helps entrepreneurs through these stages:
To explore this work further, learn how to apply the idea of natural laws in your journey and connect by visiting our website.