Perfectly Imperfect: The Magic of the Nativity!

Perfectly Imperfect: The Magic of the Nativity!

It’s that time of year!?

The Nativity play. Every year in our school our Junior Infants (5 year olds) take to the stage to share with us the story of Christmas.?

My golly, is it a cacophony of sounds and actions, a sensory explosion, a semi orchestrated pandemonium as 25 tiny characters bring to life The First Christmas.?

Glitter, “gold frankincense and myrrh” flies is every direction?

Wardrobe malfunctions a plenty?

Chorography? a foreign concept?

Flight risks” being closely guarded?

The script? Let’s just say it’s loosely followed.?

For 10 minutes the audience collectively holds its breath. We laugh, we cry, and — if we’re honest — we may even pray.?

And Yes, my tissue came out, despite not having a vested interest on the stage!?

The Nativity play was nestled between the more polished performances of the older kids—siblings who take things far more seriously. They have reputations to maintain, after all!?

But as I watched, a thought struck me, there’s pure joy in the imperfection of this Nativity play.?

This Christmas,?

Let's give ourselves the gift of imperfection!?

Let’s be messy!?

Let’s not aim for getting it all right!

Let’s celebrate the laughter and tears of the imperfection of Christmas.?

Most of all, let’s celebrate the imperfection in ourselves.?

Have a wonderful, imperfect Christmas!

Thank you for reading.

Olivia MacDonnell

Founder, Confident Speak

It’s winding down time for me at this desk. A beautiful lunch is planned for Thursday with the amazing people who make everything happen in Confident Speak, where I hope we’ll laugh, cry and celebrate the imperfections of the last year over a cocktail!?

Sayonara” from me until 2025!


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