Is Perfectionism Holding You Back?
Photo credit: David Rotimi Desciption: A single, yellow capsicum laying on top of red capsiums. is it imperfect or does it simply stand out?

Is Perfectionism Holding You Back?

The fear of failure or rather the fear of making a mistake is probably the main reason why a lot of your writing either remains unfinished or won't see the light of day. It's a constant social dilemma; to post or not to post? As a business owner there is considerable variety in the text you produce. Unless outsourced, you contribute to website copy, social media content, pitch emails, brochures... the options are quite literally... endless.

Even when you do carve out time to write the website content you've been meaning to finish for months, once it's done you start to second guess yourself. Your inner critic pipes up to ask questions along the lines of, "what if my audience thinks it's dull/ not good enough/ inaccurate/ a bit shit?" You hold off on using it and it ends up amongst the other unfinished posts, articles, and copy littering your hard drive.

"what if my audience thinks it's dull/ not good enough/ inaccurate/ a bit shit?"

Starting right now you are officially off the hook. Don't strive for perfection, just do your best.

Give Yourself Room to Make Mistakes

It isn't the end of the world if you make mistakes in your writing. Making mistakes gives us the opportunity to learn, grow, and improve. By not clicking publish on the website you've been pouring over for weeks, you are denying yourself a key learning opportunity. And if it is a bit crap then in 10 years you can look back, laugh, and marvel at how far you've come.

Change the Belief, Change the Behaviour

If you find yourself not finishing a lot of writing for your business then create more realistic goals for yourself. It doesn't need to be perfect to be worthwhile content that your audience deserves to hear. In a world that craves authenticity and vulnerability, it's the imperfections that make us, our brands and our stories more interesting. Fot more on changing beliefs and goalsetting check out

"The goal is not to deliver something that is perfect, but to deliver something that has impact." Mark Plummer, Zarvana CEO

Stop Multitasking

It might seem doable to jump from one task to another as fast as it is to switch tabs on your computer screen but the mental switching takes a lot longer. Having too many tasks on the go at any given time prevents you from focussing on the job at hand. Eliminate distractions and use timeblocking to dedicate time to the writing. Yes, that means putting down your phone! You are going to be less likely to be disappointed in the result and more likely to click post. For more productivity hacks check out:

Nothing you write will be perfect; what one person says is spot on, another will disagree. Striving to do your absolute best is good enough. Getting your ideas, your business and 'you' out into the world sounds pretty damn perfect to me.

Have a great weekend,


P.S. For more info on how your business can communicate more effectively with your customers and generate more sales leads contact the team:?[email protected]?or check out our website:?

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