Perfection is a Myth, Get to Work On Becoming Yourself, Suck it Up Little Children
“The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.”
Good morning world, how did you fare last night. It was dark. Did any demons come calling, or did you enjoy a night of blissful sleep? We were in the latter crowd, ample rest, little snuggles, love, and cuddles is the central theme in our home.
I had a hectic day yesterday; I started with a new friend from CO, he’s a fellow insurance agent. He started his company about a year ago, likes how I show up, I’m going to invite him into one of my peer groups to learn from other agents and help him grow his company.
I talked to an old friend and client; he is buying some new assets, we will insure them for him; it’s cool to see people thriving in this current pandemic state. There is an opportunity in every situation; you might have to dig a little deeper, but trust me, opportunity abounds!
I got off that call and jumped on another; this one was about a project we are working on. It might be a big deal; we are in the research phases, looking to create a risk management program for an entire industry. It’s an exciting time at The Thompson Group.
I took off and met a new friend, Dirk, at the Red Rocks Bar and Grill. We sat on the patio and shared our personal stories. Another great addition to my extensive list of unique humans I call friends. He’s a coach that had 20 plus years in the corporate world; he learned how to lead from the supervisors he engaged; he also discovered what NOT to do. Dirk now works with business leaders across the country to help them develop sound business strategy and a successful game plan to navigate the future.
I returned home; we had a visitor from Neteo, a new high-speed internet company. We have struggled with our internet-only getting ten meg down and one meg up; it’s hard to run a company using such antiquated bandwidth, but I was sure it was the only option. I had a tech from our current company come out, and he schooled me that there were other options, and I might want to check out this company. As I sit here this moment, I now have 30 meg down and ten meg up; I bought a new router yesterday with a booster, we are currently running at optimal speed!
We left and headed to meet another new friend, Larry. Larry is an M and A guy; he lives in the area; we met him for a drink to investigate the possibility of setting up a new chapter of a local organization. We shared stories, learned each other’s history; my Queen shared our information; he was intrigued; I think we will hang out with Larry again, a great addition to our growing bounty of human capital.
Our daughter was over with her man, Nick. She was taking a test, her last of 5 to earn a designation; she’s like her mother, tenacious. I feel sorry for the other insurance agents she will compete against; it’s not a fair fight; this kid has moxie. They asked us to pick up some food; we did; we arrived home, chatted with Nick, and sipped some wine.
We ended the night watching our new show and hitting our bed about 9:00; early to bed, early to rise is our mantra. I’ve got appointments until 1:30; then, we are slated to go to the animal shelter and meet our new dog, Parker. She’s a rescue, she does not know it, but she is winning the lottery. We will take little Parker on many adventures during her lifetime, looking forward to having a third wheel join us on our life journey.
My Queen, our kid, and Nick delivered a check to the humane society. We held a concert on their behalf and raised over $700.00. They were shocked; no one has ever done anything like that for them. But I’ve always thought as business owners; it is our duty to support those nonprofits and those in need around us, they needed some help, and so we held a concert online to raise some money.
As they were getting the tour, Jenny met Parker; it was fate, we were talking about getting a furkid, timing is everything. I think she might be one that can fly with us back home, welcome to the family, little Parker, let the record show this is the first mention of you, but there will be many more. We have been a bit embarrassed since our move to Denver; if you don’t have a dog here, they might arrest you, everyone has a dog, and now we are joining the club.
I was thinking about personal responsibility yesterday. How we all can take work a little to improve our plight, our journey, and anytime I mention this, I get push back. I’m told my life journey is filled with privilege, how I’m lucky, and how I was given this life. And then I think about the real story, about how I worked from age 9 with a paper route, mowing lawns, learning work ethic from my parents and family. I worked my ass off to be where I am, and I don’t think I need to apologize for the life I lead. I believe that with hard work, you can become successful no matter your entry in this society. A caveat might be it helps to be born in the most opportunistic place in the world, the U.S.A. If you were born in this country and are not succeeding, look it in the mirror, it’s on you.
I’ve shared the story of Bryon before, my Guatemalan friend; he arrived in CA with no English skills, worked on a factory floor, and now owns a large distribution company in East Central Indiana. He was not born here but found his way to the land of milk and honey, he will tell you, where there is a will, there is a way. He does not appreciate the whining of Americans shouting. It’s not fair; he is the
the epitome of the American Dream. I’m tired of people degrading our country; this is the best place to use your freedom to achieve unlimited success.
So suck it up, little children, lean into what is possible, the freedom, the opportunity, the land that breeds wealth, and God help us fame. There is an opportunity around every corner. Those that get up, work hard, and keep getting up when knocked down will succeed. Those whiney little children hiding in their parent’s basement will cry and moan about the inequalities found in society. Still, you and I know they are just lazy pitiful examples of the human spirit. Join me in becoming an example of what is possible if you get up early, work hard, and treat people with love and respect. Cheers to my fellow hard-working Americans, the best is yet to come.
“The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.”
Business Owner
4 年Straight forward example that younger generations should follow. In spite of all its flaws we live in the greatest country on earth and if you were born here you’re already way ahead of 95% of the people on the planet. I can say from experience there will be many failures along the way but it only takes one success or that one right connection to make it all worth it so keep getting up and keep striving.