A perfect Resume!
Tony Ebejer
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The most common question I get asked is "What do employers look for in a resume?' I thought I would put some of my ideas down and hope that they help!
One thing I have learnt over the years is that a few extra skills here, a sneaky promotion there is NOT recommended. It seems that embellishing one’s CV has almost become part of the process of putting the finishing touches on the professional document.
I truly believe that dishonest self-promoters are shooting themselves in the feet. You will get found out - maybe not immediately but at some point and don't think otherwise!
A survey of 460 hiring managers across Australia was recently undertaken. It showed that more than 68% had eliminated a job candidate after discovering “dishonest or exaggerated information” on their application.
Managers said the most common areas where they caught applicants lying was in their work experience. The survey was commissioned by recruiter Robert Half. It revealed most managers (60%) said they had caught candidates being dishonest about or exaggerating their previous jobs.
It is believed that almost half of the applications can be found to be lying about their education or qualifications. Managers had experienced applicants being dishonest about their technical skills.
Exaggerations about language skills and duties performed in previous roles had each been picked up by 30% of managers. 25% had noticed people lying about or fabricating internships.
If you’ve lied your way into the interview room don't be surprised if you get caught out! In my experience Recruiters are very good at identifying these white lies!
Any interviewer worth their salt with do a thorough background check on any candidate going through for second interview. This is when most people will get caught out!
Transparency and honesty during the application and interview process are critical. Any candidate who is serious about being considered for a job needs to remember that.
Background checks are easy nowadays thanks to increased online transparency and social media.
Once an untruthfulness has been discovered, any professional credibility the candidate had is dissipated. Their chances of landing the job will be very slim to none, even though they might be ideal for the role.
So what should be on your resume? An honest and truthful gathering together of relevant information for the job you are applying for. My recommendation is that you tailor your CV to the vacancy you are applying for. If they are asking for someone with experience in X,Y and Z and you have that then make sure that is there!
Also, really important is your covering letter. This must be written specifically for each vacancy and is used to highlight particular skills or abilities. It should also detail your reasons for applying for the position. Your personality may also come across in this whilst maintaining an air of professionalism.
Good luck!