The Perfect Pyramid Of Overflowing Alabaster Jars
Paul Rouke
Christ-Led Life Coach | Keynote Speaker | Mentor | Author | Transforming Leadership & Cultures | Mental Health Advocate | 25yr in UX/CX/EX | | |
Recently I was doing a Facebook and YouTube Live, and the Spirit of the Lord was leading me to release a double portion anointing into the lives of my brothers and sisters who were watching and receiving on that message.
The Spirit of the Lord took me into the Old Testament, when Elisha came to Elijah to receive a mantle from Elijah, and Elijah released a double portion anointing into the life of Elisha.
I was speaking about this on the live, and then suddenly the Lord started to give me a vision, and all I can describe it as, was this huge mountain of alabaster jars, stacked on top of each other in the shape of a pyramid, and at the very top of the pyramid, the greatest, the largest alabaster jar was the Lord Jesus.
Beneath the top alabaster jar was layer upon layer upon layer upon layer of alabaster jars, all perfectly lined up, in a precise pyramid formation.
What I was seeing in this vision is that the Lord Jesus was pouring out anointing oil from himself, and so the very top alabaster jar was overflowing, all around, on all sides, with the anointing oil, and so then the first level down of alabaster jars, underneath the largest one at the top, those alabaster jars were now starting to fill up with the anointing oil, and then as they filled up, because the oil was just continually flowing from the Lord Jesus to the next level down, those alabaster jars began to overflow to the next level, and the oil kept flowing and flowing and flowing.
It was a continuous stream of the anointing oil coming from the throne room, coming from the Lord our God.
So then, as this continued, every layer underneath those alabaster jars were being filled with the anointing oil, and then as they filled, they would overflow down and the oil will flow down to the next level, and then all those alabaster jars would start to fill and overflow.
There was this absolutely profound waterfall effect - the anointing oil flowing, flowing, overflowing, overflowing, filling, filling, overflowing, overflowing, the next level down, the next level, the next level down, and so I am looking at this huge pyramid of alabaster jars with the anointing oil flowing continually from the top, from Jesus, down to the level below, the level below, down and down and down.
What a glorious vision, and the Lord spoke to me and said:
“This is what is taking place now, for I now have in place shepherds, my true shepherds, who have pure hearts and clean hands, who have no selfish ambition, who have no pride, who are not looking to build their own ministries. They are only seeking to build my Kingdom, so that when I am pouring my anointing oil into them, they are pouring out the anointing, they are releasing that anointing into the flock that they care for, that look up to them.
And then the Lord suddenly took me into another vision of seeing the same huge pyramid of alabaster jars, and it was the same at the very top, the Lord Jesus pouring his anointing oil down into the first level, into those first alabaster jars, but then this was completely different, because the anointing oil was not overflowing down to the next level or to the next level after that.
The anointing oil was just contained within the shepherds.
The shepherds were not releasing the anointing into their congregation.
The shepherds were continuing to have themselves elevated, put on a pedestal, as though they are the “man of God”, they are the “woman of God”. They are the one that can do mighty things, that can work mighty miracles, but the sheep were being starved of the anointing.
So I have now got this vision of these two mountains, these two pyramids of alabaster jars.
The one that wasn't flowing is the lukewarm church, but the one that is flowing down from the very top, down to the next level, the next level and continuing to overflow to the next level though, this pyramid of alabaster jars flowing with the anointing oil represents the Lord's Ecclesia, the remnant that God is rising up.
This is the Lord's church… His fivefold church, that is the very opposite of being lukewarm on Sunday.
The Lord's church is on fire every day, and that anointing oil is going to continue to flow and flow and flow from the Lord Jesus himself, down into his chosen people, those with pure hearts and clean hands, those who know that they are the hands and feet of Jesus, and they, as they are receiving the anointing, they are releasing a double portion anointing into the lives of their congregation, of their brothers and their sisters.
There is this continuous flow of the anointing oil.
The alabaster jars are overflowing with the anointing oil.
This is the Lord's church.
This is where the glory is.
This is where the power is.
This is what is behind the Lord Jesus once again shaking the heavens and the earth, and the Lord is saying now:
I will NEVER stop pouring my anointing oil into my shepherds who have pure hearts and clean hands. For they can climb my holy mountain. They can come into the throne room, and they, my shepherds, my chosen shepherds, they are bringing my people up into the throne room too. More and more and more of my people are living each day, speaking each day, declaring each day, decreeing each day, prophesying each day, from my throne room, alongside me, the Lord your God, seated at the right hand of the Father, way above the kingdom of darkness. Watch and see through 2024 my anointing oil flowing into more and more and more of my people - people of all ages. The anointing that were on my people in the Old Testament and New Testament will be the same anointing that I am releasing into my people in 2024 and beyond. Look around at the nation's! Look and be amazed, for I am doing something in your own day, something that you wouldn't even believe even if someone told you about it! Hear this you leaders of the people. Listen all who live in the land. In all your history, have you ever seen anything like this before? Tell your children about it in the years to come, and tell your children to tell their children. Pass the story down from generation to generation, says I the Holy One of Israel, the King of Glory.