A Perfect Match with the Aron Kodesh
Chana Gamliel
Founding President at MyParochet | Parochet Designer | Synagogue Artist - Israel
Several days after the petira of one of the Gedolei Israel, Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach zt"l, I was approached by a very Litvish shul/Kollel in Bnei Brak to design a parochet in his memory.
The Gabbais were intent on purchasing a truly original parochet that would enhance the overall look of their relatively small shul. From the moment I arrived at the shul and took a look at their Aron Kodesh from all angles, I could sense that they were absolutely thrilled with it and wanted a parochet that would accentuate it. You may note that all the engravings on this Aron Kodesh are in fact made up of one swirl design that repeats itself all over, even the crown above the openning is made up of six of theses "swirls".
I suggested to the Gabbais that we create a 'border' design featuring these very same "swirls". That way it would be obvious that their parochet was custom-designed especially for them, and was not just another template parochet that could be bought on Rabbi Akiva St. for 2000 NIS. They loved the idea.
Regarding the color scheme, the Gabbais wanted a dark brown velvet with embroidery in the same shades as the wood behind the crown (there are LED lights there).
We are currently in the final stages of embroidering this parochet. Enjoy the photos below:
Happy Pesach to all,
Chana www.myparochet.com