Perfect Love Cast Out Fear
Perfect Love Cast Out Fear

Perfect Love Cast Out Fear

As a father, I am very protective of the people I love and care for. I call out bullies. There is a major bully out scaring and terrorizing people, and I want to put a stop to it.

The media on both party sides does nothing but live off of and stir up fear! Their ratings depend on it, and when you listen and believe what they say, you feed their fear machine.

The fear and unjustified panic caused by the coronavirus is far worse than the virus itself. The coronavirus has a similar mortality rate than the common flu.

The United States has about 328,000,000 that live here and 19,000 died from the flu in the 2019-2020 flu season. The world has over 7,600,000,000 people and only 3,000 people have died. I am not minimizing anyone’s death and it is heartbreaking when someone passes.

We have millions paralyzed in fear right now because of the media. It is sad to see people die for any reason. It is even sadder to see people die while they are alive and that is what fear does. Punch the media bully in the face and shut your tv and phone media off if you find yourself fearful!

Just as with anything contagious, be aware of your environment and prevent it from spreading.

I would say fear is far more contagious than any virus, disease, or bacteria, and causes way more harm. The cure to fear is perfect Love. I am not saying we can prevent illnesses by love only; I am saying we can cure fear with Love.

Just thought I could encourage someone with a father's heart. ??

#nofear #fathersheart #coronavirus


