There is no perfect life, but you can make it
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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According to Google, Perfect means: having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be. absolute; complete (used for emphasis). And life means, the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death. the existence of an individual human being or animal. So, for making the existence of an individual complete, all his basic needs must be fulfilled, right?
As we have studied Abraham Maslow's theory of motivation we need to have some important needs of life fulfilled. Personal Fulfillment is maybe you are be having loads of entertainment options, yet you’re unsatisfied and you need justice because Life isn’t fair. Maybe you studied hard for that test, but scored less than you expected. Cultural Security is I don’t know where you’re from so I won’t be commenting on it and identity for self oh Come on, you must be having a name/age/gender/job freedom when you can go out at midnight without your parent’s permission? Is your country completely democratic? Maybe you are living in North Korea, and might not be having even an iota of freedom.
Own safety and Security of life maybe you live in a society with Police just patrolling next to your house or live in an apartment with almost 100% security, but do you feel safe when you’re alone? or when you’re out till late night? Self Esteem is it always held up high and your participation depends on how social you are. Belongingness of yourself means does your family/friend/group/peers/partner accept who as who you are? Does anyone you love ignore you or emotionally isolate you? and is your life flawless and flowing smoothly?
Perfect life is what you perceive it to be. Everyone has a perfect life we just fail to see them. Even initially I used to depend on others that I can be happy only when I have others to love me in that process I forgot to completely love a person which was only me. But now when I started to love myself I just feel everything around me is perfect. I used to see the draw backs in my life but now I would say I am having the greatest life and wonderful people around me because I changed the way I have opinion about my life.
When I stopped seeing bad things in people and started to accept them the way they are. Forgiving myself forgiving others. Living in present moment and just leaving my past as a dustbin and future as a mystery. I agree it is easy to say but tough to follow. Even I used to do only the comfortable things it was really easy for me to cry but tough to fight it is easy for me to stay strong. So enjoy every moment. your life is perfect. Spread happiness you will reach them in large and spread smile it is free of cost. Happiness is within us the key for perfect life. I have found it and even you can. Stay blessed! #kishoreshintre #possessedbywritingsprit #ks950articles #proudtobeindian
M Tech in Chemical Engineering from IIT , BHU
4 年Happiness is a function of the mind. Feeling Happy in the mind adds positive energy to push human beings in the right direction. Being sad does not help under any situation.