Perfect It Later
Terence H. Biggs, Jr.
Author, “The DNA of Gutsy Leadership - I’m Made For This Moment.” Wall Street experienced senior-level business and financial executive, with years of entrepreneurial and leadership experience. Author | Speaker | Writer.
As a business coach, I find myself telling my clients, "First, get it done, then make it perfect." Many great ideas have suffered premature deaths on the drawing board as we embarked on our journey of perfection.
I remember the CEO of a business I was consulting telling me he had not launched yet because they were dotting every "I" and crossing every "T" to make sure there would be no "brand damaging" hiccups when they launched. I had to remind him that countless hours were spent analyzing the data that revealed the niche market opportunity that existed, and that it would be a shame if a competitor beat him to the marketplace as he tinkered with stuff that could be ironed out after his launch.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating sloppy work. Afterall, my motto is, "Excellence without excuse (SM)." The point I'm making is that as entrepreneurs and business people, we can get lost in the weeds on stuff that prevents us from meeting and exceeding our customers' needs. My business coach (that's right, even a business coach can benefit from having a business coach), has a phrase that has stuck with me and I will share it with you. "Jump and build your wings on the way down."
There will be times when the little voice in your head will say, "We are not ready to pursue Company X because they are the industry leader." Well, I've seen entrepreneurs with "Gutsy DNA" go after the whale of a prospect and land the account. Your analyses of what needs to be tweaked will benefit the most from data collected in the marketplace, not the eternal resting place of the drawing board. The saying goes, "Just do it"... I say, "Jump in and perfect it later!"
Terence H. Biggs II ~ #CoachBiggs #GutsyDNA @THBiggs
- Author | Business Coach | Speaker | Corporate Leadership Trainer | Marketer
- Website:
- Book Purchase: The DNA of Gutsy Leaders (By Coach Biggs & Dr. Biggs)