The Perfect Industrial Feeder for the Food Industry
This vibrating feeder rolled out of our shop a little while ago, and while it looks inconspicuous, it had two features that greatly enhanced production and efficiency for our customer.
Easy Inspection
The first was the inspection window. Inspection windows are generally attached to a vibrating feeder securely with bolts, so as to prevent them from opening unexpectedly while the feeder is running. However, that means that while the feeder is running, the inspection window is inaccessible. You can see in, but in order to open it you must turn off the machine and unbolt everything in order to access the material inside the feeder.
Our client was running an operation where that inconvenience was slowing down production considerably. They needed a hygienic way to both inspect and potentially remove inferior products easily and safely. So this time, rather than use a simple inspection window, we went with an entire inspection cover. This was bolted to the rolling frame, which allowed it to stay stable while the feeder was running. Accessibility was as easy as leaning over and opening the cover, even during run time.
None of That Sticky Stuff
The second feature was a steam jacket. While water cooling jackets are relatively common on equipment such as this, steam jackets are also extremely helpful in the food production sector. This jacket slightly heated up the trough, enough to prevent any of their product from adhering to it. This allowed a smooth feed, free from maintenance troubles.
Along with the easy open inspection port and steam jacket, this Vibro Feeder has a stainless steel Uras Vibrator for use with food products. Additionally, the trough is relatively narrow at 440mm/17.3inches, so it’s easy to open from either side.
??safe and easy trough access to remove products that don’t pass inspection
??made from hygienic materials to lower risk of contamination
??steam jacket included, to prevent adhesive materials from sticking to the trough
??handle 1.2 tons of material/hour
??made specifically for the food industry
Wanna know more? Check out our equipment and the incredibly reliable, low maintenance Uras Vibrator here!
#foodindustry #industrial #grain #feed #feeder #vibration #safetyfirst
開閉が容易な点検カバーと、蒸気ジャケットに加え、このバイブロフィーダには、食品加工に適したステンレスカバー付きユーラスバイブレータが搭載されています。さらに、トラフ幅は440mm / 17.3インチと比較的狭いので、点検カバーはどちら側からでも比較的容易に開閉することができます。
??輸送能力 1.2トン/毎時