A PERFECT DAY : January 1, 2018
This taken by my son, Luke Seer.

A PERFECT DAY : January 1, 2018

(I have included some of the photos from the day - my friend, my coffee shop, my wonderful nutritious and tasty eclectic lunch for $7, and my neighborhood.)

On the evening of January 1, 2018, I wrote: “Today I have experienced as possibly the most wonderful day of my life. It has constantly felt like my Life was unfolding from moment to moment, choice to choice, steps and smiles along the way as all being in perfect alignment and harmony with where I was exactly meant to be, and thus I keep reminding myself that I have arrived in the place that I have held as my ideal vision of Me and my life and I have arrived. I made it, in both meanings of that term: I made it (manifested and created it), and I made it (finally arrived)!!

And once again, I am experiencing my mantra as the true reality I now am living and living in, that “I am enough. I have enough. I have done enough.” So now every moment gets magnified, close-in yet with more moment to moment attention as I more and more surrender into the void of the future-yet-to-be-created of just being here Now, in this one and only moment as it unfolds and manifests into the next moment of Now.

 I awoke at 10.30 am which these days is very late for me. I usually awake between 7.30 and 8.30 without any alarm clock, and I usually go to sleep, easily and deeply, about 9pm to 9.30. Sometimes I am tempted to, and watch another TV show on my Mac via a free website that holds just about every TV show ever made anywhere, and that I can access 24/7 from my neighboring coffee shop. You just have to learn to navigate the pop ups and phishing traps to fully use it but for me was well worth it because most of what I watch is British - dramas, documentaries, historical series and entertainment/comedy panels and stand-ups.

Sheer brilliance! I am originally from Australia, 7th generation back to the convicts and English / Irish stock from farms and villages who, starving, poached a chicken from the feudal master and so was sent half way across the world as literally a “white nigger” - enslaved, chained and whipped and occasionally hanged convict to work the new colony under the thumb of brutal and ignorant (for the most part) military masters with the Governor having total and absolute power over everyone, until democracy and parliaments finally got established as the colony prospered, but in reality all were expected to die.

But the hardy people built a country, and a really bloody strange country it was and is: growing unique animals all over place and creating equally amazing unique truly ancient indigenous people, the aborigine tribes of Australia from at least 40,00 and maybe 120,000 years ago (according to carbon testing of hand paintings found in caves that were aged at 120,000 years ago.

This is a political, academic and even religious-beliefs bombshell that changes EVERY thing we believe about human development so it has been almost totally suppressed. It is incredible. Such is my weird country and personal milieu of cultural beliefs and truths and values that go to making me an Australian, and as best as I can tell those same characteristics exist strongly in Aussies today including recent immigrants from all over the world. Per head of population Australia has many more immigrants every year than America does, including the number of Vietnamese refugees we took in after that war in ignominy and shame.

One quarter of the whole population of Australia is comprised of first generation immigrants, meaning they were born in and grew up to whatever age, be it 8 or 80, in some other country and by some means or another they got to Australia and weeks later ask them where they are from and they’ll look at you like you are a slow learner and will some obvious condescension reply “I am an Australian of course. What don’t you understand about that?” And leave the person speechless!! So amazing.

And a few generations ago my mum’s grandparents came to Australia as Irish migrants to get work or not starve in some famine that sent - or drove - millions of Irish people to other countries, like America and Australia. 2 generations back from mum was one of Australia’s most notorious bush rangers - often escaped convicts, or farmers whose land was stolen by corrupt military policemen - they became total out-laws, and I get that I have a streak of that blood, or a few shared genes with that energy. I get and mastered my own inner criminal who would really enjoy it as a professional taking calculated risks, and the smarter and more experienced you were let you progress to more complex crimes with much better payoffs, so I am drawn to shows like “Hustle” about a group of conmen and a sexy smart con woman in London, and the crimes they plan and commit. Or Sherlock, another brilliant show.

So British culture and history is strong and forms the foundation of white people in Australia, along with many other cultural and country influences, from Greece and Italy to The Middle East and all the asian countries, for starters!

I currently live in my car - a large Ford Explorer, 14 years old, that I bought for this reason and that I had owned another Explorer for many years in Colorado that successfully took me through rain and sleet and snow and slush and mud and black ice and falling rocks and bitterly low and burningly high temperatures at altitudes up to 11,000 feet which really puts demands on car engines that are not tuned for it to allow more oxygen etc.So I really loved my Colorado Explorer including it literally saved my life several times because it did precisely what I needed it to do to get through crisis moments on the roads and freeways, like hitting black ice at 70miles an hour going downhill on a four lane freeway with the fully loaded 24-wheeler in front of me now going into a slow motion sideways slide so its whole loaded body and cabin were sliding sideways down the freeway, all of 40 feet in front of me as I took all the emergency driving knowledge I knew and got me slowed down, straightened up and ready to hit dry road again because if you come off the ice sideways it will be ugly as you flip over and over sideways and maybe off the freeway for a one hundred foot tumble to the freeway below that is the other half of the road for the uphill traffic.

My Explorer did it all perfectly to let me save me. Now I have a bigger one that sadly guzzles a gallon of gas every 11 miles, but also gives me my amazing home, with everything I need in it, and it has been the most liberating 8 months of my life, that has saved my life and given me so many wonderful lessons and rewards all along the way - in fact real and seemingly impossible miracles to support me and keep me going as I more and more allowed myself and my very cells to trust and relax and let go in the growing knowledge that I really am safe and protected in the Universe and that my ‘job’ is to trust that and let go more and more until I am simply in my own flow, choosing and moving from Who I Truly Am where there is just the next thing and whatever it is it will be interesting and fun now. And it is.

So up at 10.30 and within a few minutes I am on the road to a nearby Denny’s which is THE best Denny’s I have ever eaten at and I have eaten at many during the few hundred thousand miles of road trips I have done to criss cross this country for 25 years.

This Denny’s is a classic 50’s style American diner - a real one, long thin room, seats at a bar and booths around the sides real deal still there from the 50’s that happens to be called a Denny’s and even has really comfy couch seats!

The Hispanic staff know and welcome me with genuine smiles of appreciation that yet again I return because they take such incredible pride in their work that my return is applause to their ears, my vote of how wonderful they are and they are wonderful, funny, playful, dedicated, say thank you for any size tip I give them because they get that whatever I give them is what I can afford that day!

Every day I have a huge bowl of oatmeal, as Americans call what I call porridge - with milk and brown sugar or honey and with that I am having a giant bowl of warm comfort food that happens to be incredibly good for health for many reasons including valuable grains and slow release of energy through the day - and just tastes so good, so I enjoy every mouthful, one at a time as I learned from Buddhist monks who often have the tradition to chew every mouthful 24 times to totally immerse in the beauty and wonder and taste of this gift of life to us, from Life.

Finished I leave a much appreciated tip and drive to my local coffee house - 24 hour a day strong wifi, diverse in many ways of race, age, creatives, gays, black, white, brown, young, old long hairs, all types of characters and smart people who want to know more!

I spend a lot of my day here and keep discovering new nooks and today a whole room I just did not know was there and it is like walking into a medieval castle room with tables, chairs and couches. The whole place is an amazing conglomerate of 3 dimensional art moving and flowing around the walls and floors and through the furnishings and colors and then there is the most amazingly varied, eclectic endless number of amazing songs and genres from soul, christian, classic, rock… you name it and all wonderful and many I know from my hippie days that are now - as I predicted they would be - truly classics that all ages have heard and enjoy.

So a few hours there on my Mac talking to a great friend I’ve been so close with for several years and who was working and still is in amazing positions that she as a nurse has created or jumped on when available. I was a patient at UCSD and she came around to offer me Reiki sessions and I - as a Reiki Master myself - jumped at it!! We became instant, deep, recognizing and remembering each other from past lives and immediate friends that has grown friendship and enjoyment over the years.

Then I went to get my lunch - a photo and list of contents which I posted on my Aussie Relationship Guru page on Face Book, which is: https://www.facebook.com/AussieRelationshipGuru/

Go visit it and please do like it while you are there, but the point being that I have already posted and shared a photo of the lunch I had today and listed the wonderful range of ingredients, healthy and nutritious and really tasty for $7 including a REAL crab cake. Total gourmet luxury and wellness for 2 meals for $7 and you’re still buying McDonalds for twice that? OK, occasionally but not often please. Be more kind to yourself for no extra money if you are smart about it. And it is a really smart thing to get really smart about!! LOL

So point being I had a glorious lunch of gourmet foods and there is enough left over to eat in a little while as a late dinner I will relish.

And then back to this coffee home where its fine to hang out for ten hours with one cup of coffee. What ever, and the food offerings, all home cooking out the back, could feed you for months and not get boring.

Another cup of tea and joined by my adorable friend, angel, partner in crime, truth sharer, true tribal African primitive in the jungle and where are the drums please? African yet can relate to anyone easily and with laughter and smiles that just attract people as you’ll see in the photos on my Aussie Relationship Guru page on Face Book, which is: https://www.facebook.com/AussieRelationshipGuru/ (along with a few other photos from my perfect day). Seeing them will add depth to you for this article. 

So we had an incredibly deep, powerful, bullshit free raw honest, out of respect for each other as smart and intelligent deep knowledgeable people and we go deep as she seeks more and more clarity and growth and I make a great teacher, master, mentor and of course friend and fellow traveler on our paths, while she has opened doors to friends and opportunities that are so very rich.

Then my son Luke and I connected in a free internet phone call from my West Coast city across 7,000 miles of Pacific Ocean to Sydney Australia and usually we actually have Mac Facetime live video looking at each other’s faces like we were feet apart. Incredible technology. As a friend said, “video calls like that are like a visit without the hugs” and she nailed it, that is exactly what they are. Thanks Karen Lattari - very smart, very perceptive, very funny!

When I first came to America 25 years ago the cheapest rate I could call Australia on a public or home phone was with AT&T and was $78.00 per hour. Now I have multiple hour VIDEO calls around the world for free. THAT is the best of some technology advances!!

So Luke and I talk about whatever we talk about, ranging as always we have across wide fields if knowledge and interests, and realizations and our life tests and challenges and the latest jokes and movie recommendations and he keeps me well abreast of his career growth into becoming his dream vision of being a major motion movie Director, be it in Australia, America or wherever, and I have not one iota, shred or wisp of a sense to doubt that of course he will get there. He has grown and amassed massive knowledge and experience of how to make movies on his journey to master truly making movies worth making by his high standards and visions. 

I can’t wait to see them, and I have seen the seeds in the TV ads he has made for companies like Doritos, Amex and McDonalds - all mini movies in their own right of having a story to tell, often with music, a cast of people scripted to certain roles and words - its a 30 second movie and a great step on the way to making longer story movies.

So we enjoy each other’s journeys and I just love that about our relationship as dad - son and also as friends, and men on our own journeys sharing and learning etc. Wow. He has also gently pushed me to action to write a book on how I parented him and stories from his growing up time, and he even gave me the title, which is nearly finished and I will soon announce its availability. I am very pleased with it and proud of it!!

To top of my evening I then went to the coffee shop bar and was lusting over whether to buy a huge cupcake and got into a wonderful deep flowing conversation with 20 year old Christine who I’d earlier asked to keep an eye on my Mac! I had not connected the customer on the couch with this staff member behind the bar until she pointed it out and my mind sort of crunched and merged it all. 

We talked for an hour and I finally succumbed to a $5 pumpkin giant cupcake covered in lovely looking lemon swirls frosting/icing mix like I have never had before and I have almost eaten the whole thing! It is simply a perfect, wonderful, your mum might have cooked it, or maybe granny kind of cake, and perfect to top off my celebration of a truly perfect New Year’s Day to begin in the very new year of 2018.

We are over the hump. Yes there will of course be more tests and challenges and lessons, and also rewards and fun and love but it will all be a lot easier to take on, handle and master and release than it has ever been. It will get to be fun to get real and grow. I am at age 66, excited all over again and wonderful young women around 20 who I know keep telling me how they so much see me as being so young at heart and alive and free and they are correct. I am all of that and now it is so strong I can claim it and proclaim it and share what it means and how I got here, what steps we need to take and often retake a few times to master aspects of our lives and it is all worth it it. I know. I took the journey and I am here where I set out to get to 46 years ago. Come and play! A perfect day.

Just a couple of days ago I was reading a new, brilliant and insightful astrology book and it had this quote, which so deeply validate3d a large part of my journey and beliefs, that one of the keys in life is as you grow older and mature more, have more knocks and challenges, the salve and the solution is:

"Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the king of heaven." Matthew 18.3

Using that metaphor, I am having the alive life experience of entering my kingdom of Heaven! As a kid growing up in a Catholic family I was taught that the kingdom of heaven “is within you” so I puzzled and asked if that is try why do we have to die to go to heaven? Can’t we enter our own? And also if the kingdom of heaven is within us it logically followed that the ‘kingdom’ go hell is within us.

In my life I have had an intense experience of often going through my inner hells - always variations of fear and pain - and mastering them and thing the light on them which has been my experience of growing my enlightenment, and in the process of freeing me from my own hell I opened more to my inner heaven. As Kahlil Gibran, the Lebanese mystic says in his world-famous book “The Prophet” - “You joy IS your pain unmasked”.

And the evening did not end there! The lovely staff member Natalia just came over with her birth info and contact details, all shy and eager and excited like a little girl, so sweet yet Scorpio Moon powerful too. Great combo and I will look at her chart in a moment. I flashed on a song to send my dear friend Tysheen - see a couple of photos of this amazing woman on my Aussie Relationship Guru page on Face Book.

And what I said was : “Listen carefully to this song and listen again and again until it sinks into your cells, and get that it is not just me who says this stuff my way and Meatloaf says it his way but we have said the same thing - its just not me saying it and you need to listen to the absolute truth of this song and it can help free you. If you listen and get it. You can also YouTube search the lyrics if you need to read them, the words can be blurred and can be hard to hear sometimes…


The good student, she listened immediately and later sent me a text saying she had heard it many times and had the desired breakthrough, she got it, that Rock & Rock dreams do (eventiually) come true if you keep “walking through the fires of hell” and he sings “and I know you got the ashes to prove it.” Pure genius. She got it.

I also suggest YOU listen to this song. Meatloaf I consider to be the most under-rated genius talents of the 80’s yet still holds the record as having the biggest first LP sales in record sales history!

I do suggest you listen to and watch this amazing production with incredible music and voices and a profound, deeply explored painful part of life and that there is always magic coming - it is a song of profound truth and genius, no less!

So I am astonished to say I actually ate all of my giant pumpkin and icing cup cake and it was glorious and also tasted like carrot and was exquisite. Its 10.30 so I shall be in bed in the back of the car in a hugely comfortable full-length bed of foam and feathers and a Colorado grade feather down duvet to sleep under is true deep sleep bliss.

Good night, sleep well. Now have your own perfect days.


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