The Perfect Curriculum
Is there such a thing as the perfect curriculum?
The simple answer is YES.
For every job a company offers they receive applications from many suitable candidates, often in the hundreds, but it is the one with the perfect CV that gets the job.
“You only get one chance to make a good first impression.”
I’m sure you have heard this many times, that’s because it’s true. Your CV is your chance to stand out from the rest. Job applications are a process; the first step is the CV, which is the stepping stone to the next stage, the interview. It is the first opportunity to sell yourself, make sure it’s not your last!
Unless you are lucky enough to have a winning lottery ticket in your possession, your CV is the single most important document you will ever write so you must give it the time and attention it deserves.
To effectively put together the perfect CV you must start by seeing yourself as a company. You are the manager of your own personal career development. A common mistake people often make is to produce just one CV and send it out to every job. It is necessary to have what I call the “Holding CV”, the place where all the information regarding your career, studies and life is logically stored. It can be several pages long and should include all the information and details about the important things you have done. Each individual job application is a “Branch” of your “Holding CV” and must be tailored to the specific job you are applying for. Although certain skills may overlap when applying for jobs within the same sector, each company has its own special requirements; each one is looking for “something” different and your CV needs to fit that “something”. This is known as a “good fit”. All employers are looking for someone who is a “good fit” to their profile.
We will examine this in more detail later on. But first, make sure you are continuously active in the job market. Don’t just send out one application, then sit back and relax. Multiple applications to as many suitable positions as possible are a must, putting yourself in the seller’s market. A single application would place you in the undesired buyer’s market, sitting, waiting and hoping with only one chance. An amateur fisherman sits on a rock with just one rod hoping to catch something that swims their way. Whereas, a professional fisherman leaves many nets in the sea to give themselves the best opportunities, then invests time travelling around, checking each one.
Rejection in the job process is normal, so expect it and learn to develop a thick skin. There are many reasons for not getting a job, you must accept that it wasn’t the right position for you and move on to the next great opportunity. But remember, the more applications you have out there the more opportunities will arise.
So how do you begin to write the perfect CV? This is the first problem many people face, staring at a blank page waiting for inspiration. Finding a job is a process and processes require organisation. You need to plan and follow a structure that will not only help you to write the perfect CV but it will also make you feel good about yourself, that you are actually doing something and getting somewhere.
So let’s start by breaking down the job application process into four clearly defined steps:
Following these four steps will help you to prepare your perfect curriculum. Write a Skills Inventory to make sure you don’t miss any key skills or information about yourself that could prove invaluable to your application. Match yourself to the requirements set out in the job description of the company you are applying to and present the information in a clear, concise and persuasive document - the perfect curriculum. This, supported by a strong cover letter that enhances your strengths and suitability for the role, will spark the reader’s interest and put you in the “to be interviewed pile”.
We will be examining each part of this process in our posts over the next week, starting with the Skills Inventory.
If you would like more information on how we can help you with your CV and interviews, see our website: or contact us at [email protected] .
Head of Digital Marketing | Strategy & Advisory Consultant
9 年Nice article related with the content, but continet is also important I feel. Thank you Liam!