Perception Technology
Vikas Joshi
Founder | Quality Enthusiast | Team Builder | Test Automation Architect | Public Speaker | Author
There was a time when a person with certain tool was powerful! Was it the tools &/or ability to interact with the environment & make use of it to create something more than "self" thus overcoming self-limitation that made the person powerful?
- Is it the tool?
- Is it the information?
- Is it the perspective?
Evolution has followed the same pattern, even though the tools have changed, type of information would have changed, perspective has changed.
It could have started with primitives using tools made of wood & stone. But in every stage of evolution the steps followed are:
1. Need (Requirement)
2. Have a perspective (conceptual) (Design)
3. Create something new (Develop)
4. Try/Test it
5. If works, &/or doesn't work - store the information
6. Create/Update the perspective (Practice/Evolve)
We have evolved - come a long way creating tools. With each advancement, we as humans are moving one step closer to self-realisation & collective realisation , understanding the consciousness- by making use of what is inside us & what is outside us. The amalgamation of the 2 is leading to what we now call the Technology.
Technology has always been enabling us to overcome our short-comings & do things better.
As we are in amidst of Information Technology - Information is being collected, processed & played with. We are now enabled & exponentially developing technology at an unmatched pace - exploring various aspects of existence itself, interlocked with the steps 1-6 mentioned above.
Flood of information, with the invention of Internet, the pinnacle of connectivity & mobile phone in every hand - we have successfully created machines that are constantly learning more about the existence itself - that overcomes the limitations of human mind.
Information is generated & is being fed into machines in enormous amounts across the world every second.
Information -> Perception
Information Technology has advanced enough to self-evolve. Information is fed into the system & then eventually fed to humans. Currently, everyone has almost all the information in the world at their fingertips.
No one can/has to possibly say- I don't have this information.
But what would define each person &/or differentiate from others?
Answer is Perspective.
2 persons may have same information about say cooking a dish, but one may have a better perspective (opinion, memory) about the dish than other.
IT (Information Technology) will be followed by Perception Technology.
Best example of Perception Technology is during political elections.
2 persons may have information about 2 persons standing for election.
What information they have drives their perception. Reverse is also true, what perception one has will drive them to look for information that suits their perception.
Based on individual’s usage patterns, one can be fed information to create a certain perception.
Backed up with Big Data, Machine Learning, AI, AR, VR & other such technological advancements, Perception is something that is tangible & "highly" effective to be played with.
Are you creating the "right" perspective?
How are you creating it? Is again a perspective to think about!
I am sure as you are reading this people are working on the questions asked above & in coming days it be a multi-billion dollar industry to create perspectives; thus, Information Technology will be serving Perception Technology.
Disclaimer: Views express are general & scratches the surface of what is coming. Images are used for depiction purpose only & belong to their respective owners.