Perception of Success !

Perception of Success !

What do you mean by Success? 

Is it related to defeating someone and winning over that person or it's a way to satisfy one's ego by pointing the flaw of a fragile person. 

People usually think accomplishment comes by achieving fame, money, status, luxuries and high standard of living. But is it the right visibility of success that is being educated to us right from the beginning of our living. The response would be definitely "NO" and each of us is aware about this reality. But what we actually do about it or even tries to find or energize new ideas to change the current resolution of Success. Unfortunately none of us belief that achievement is a part of life and not the LIFE itself.

Success is always gauged by the failure another person faces but its said to be inversely proportional to failure but directly proportional to the struggle, effort and aspiration.

As per my experience Struggle is the foundation of you true success and the pain, hardships and detainment behind defines the precise picture of your life and behavior.

Always remember the people who are with you during your period of struggle and most low point of your life are the only one's who would be happy either you get Success or failure as they have seen you struggling and battling with your dreams, goals and integrity towards them and amplified with the time.

Try to choose the right path and right people as they will help you in achieving your goal and will teach you how we can live our life to the fullest by showing the right direction.

Indirectly will keep us moving in achieving and living a happy and prosperous life.

Keep smiling and keep loving :)

#newthoughts #motivation #life #success #mistakes #learnfrommistakes #guidancetoleadlife #bepositive #generous #loving #caring #goaloriented


