The way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted
This word has had me puzzled throughout my life. Now as a writer, I can create circumstances and express an emotion in innumerable ways but as a human I have always failed to understand how ‘perception’ works. It somehow zeros down to the fact that if one has mastered the concept of perception, one has mastered relationships.
What seems right in my mind, in my state of being has a counter effect on somebody else’s way of thinking. By some means, thoughts or opinions bubble up in my mind in one form; my intellect (or emotion) converts them into words. These words then travel through space and fall on the ears of my audience and depending on their idea (or emotion) reconverts into something - totally different. It is like the process of Mux – Demux except that in the world of binary data, you can still expect foolproof conversion stats owing to noise cancelling methodologies yet in the world of human interpretation, you cannot.
And the funniest part is we all are right in our own individual mindsets. What seems illogical to me is logic to some other person and neither of us is wrong. Then what is the concept of moral and immoral really? Now on a broader aspect we all will agree unanimously that certain events are either wrong or right. For instance no one will factor stealing as right or helping the needy as wrong; however, in the more subtle world, how to narrow down to an accurate conclusion?
Based on my expectations (or my principles), I form an opinion and demand something from my loved one. Based on his expectations (or his principles), he forms an opinion and finds me absolutely irrelevant and ruthless in my demands. This can get utterly frustrating because you have no clue on what actually hurt the other person. You try to analyze by being neutral and even putting yourself in the other person’s shoes but your contemplation seems null and void. It is fascinating how each brain works differently.
In the personal space where love is involved you still have a chance to clear the air and move on; however, the same scenario in a professional setup can be quite challenging. You are an individual and you have a notion, an experience of situations and people based on which you act and react. Likewise are all the others around you. What then is the right way to perceive perception?
I personally feel that perception would not matter if one had no expectations. I have heard many say that anticipating certain something is the root cause of dissatisfactions nonetheless I ask, “Is it wrong to expect?†It is the most natural thing and picture the world without expectations? There would be no purpose, no enthusiasm. Expectancy translates to hope, to belief and this is the base of the universe. So then while we have to deal with perceptions, we in actuality are regarding the other person’s outlook and accepting one another for who we are. We are constantly learning from the society, evolving and emerging from our cocoons. And so maybe, perceptions are not really terrible. Perhaps discernments are the most important and to be accommodating is the most human. The noise spikes are in the mind and in some way the key is to become skilled at obliterating these to incorporate others like we consider our own insights. Afterall how different are we from 0s and 1s? We are made up of these. If each one of us surmounts these interruptions, we will lead to creating a better world for us and for our upcoming generation. A generation that will value belief and be the human the Nature created.
Lead Consultant at Infosys Technologies.
8 å¹´Awesome, U recalled my old swapnil which I was earlier
Motivated Interpreter-Translator | Self Employed | Non Profit Facilitator | Patient-Family Partner Volunteer
8 å¹´Great article and beautifully illustrated too.
Motivated Interpreter-Translator | Self Employed | Non Profit Facilitator | Patient-Family Partner Volunteer
8 å¹´Love your writing! Excellent. "we will lead to creating a better world for us and for our upcoming generation. A generation that will value belief and be the human the Nature created." Thanks for sharing Shweta Jain I hope so too...