Perception is reality
Rory Sheppard
Generational Transition | Nonprofit Impact Acceleration | Success Happens When You Create Simple, Sensible Systems that Drive Consistent and Repeatable Results
In 1710, George Berkeley started a discussion around sensory perceptions that has over the years has become this now famous question:
“If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”
That debate, of whether something that is not physically perceived actually happens or not, has since grown in scope and significance, drawing in other philosophers as well as the scientific community.
This debate took on a whole new meaning when the American political strategist Lee Atwater said simply and succinctly: “Perception is reality”.
I would argue that science today has turned the tables on this once again. More fittingly it is “Your reality is only a perception.” In her book “How to Have a Good Day”, Caroline Webb reveals that as much as 90% of our recollection of an event is influenced/skewed by our perceptions. A potential moral to this story?
“People are rarely as bad as we make them out to be; People are rarely as good as we make them out to be.”
Who have you unfairly judged based on your truth?
Your coach’s insight…simply put.
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This reminded me of my philosophy class in college. The dialog with the professor was "What is Real?" Reality is only what you perceive it to be. Therefore everyone's bias's get in the way. Today I saw a guy at the bus stop with his shirt open and a HUGE knife sticking out of his pants. My thoughts went in many different directions. My first thought was he was getting on the bus, if the bus drive let him... and how was he going to use that knife later? Was he going to kill someone one? Was he using it for work? Reality. Even the news media is riddled with bias. I'm off on a tangent. Reality.