Perception, a word which applies to every human being in a unique different manner. Everyday we perceive things..... little things, big things, people, situations, circumstances and with each of them we attach our perception. Its strange yet funny as to how often its merely our perception which decides the course of our future. The course on which life will take us ahead. Whether we will stand out or be crushed down.

People have a generalized perception as to the thinking of a person totally depends on the upbringing. But I disagree. A child from a low wage family may have hopes with life as to be the pioneer in whatever he does and on the same hand a child from a well nourished family may want to do nothing more in his life apart from just be at the comfort of his luxuries.

One may say that a glass is half full and other may perceive it as half empty. One may perceive a situation impossible to overcome, while the other under the very same situation plans for the predictive next outcomes.

We often tell ourselves and others, "It can't be done.". Think again. We are the human race. We've reached the planets and the gone under the seas, we have created life in labs and have proved that we can even run on our knees.

Yet you think that a book is too tough to comprehend or ten guys fighting against one is just unfair and "It can't be done.". Think of the person who wrote the book. Think of the those men who have won battles by a few handful of men, defeating an army of hundreds. Were they not flesh and blood. Did they not eat. Well, if they can, so can you. It is just the state of our minds that needs alteration in a direction so as to be resilient.

One may tolerate a world of demons knowing there is an angel guarding them. In actual, neither the demons nor angels exist. All that there is, is an idea. And an idea cannot be caught. An idea can escape ! And its totally the way we perceive that idea that leads us to our boon or our doom. Similarly, think of life as an idea. An idea that everything there is can be and would be achieved.Give it importance and it will give importance to you. Be optimistic ! Strive ! Valour ! For its the perception of life itself that writes our own destiny ! God Speed !


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