Peppermint Essential Oil skin benefits
It has a mildly antiseptic effect which helps control the bacteria on the skin's surface. (Davis, 1988) Removing toxic congestion (Seller, 1992) through steaming can clean and decongest the skin, especially for Acne. (Davis, 1988)
It could help treat dermatitis, ringworm, scabies and pruritus. (Seller, 1992) Pruritus is one of the most typical skin infections?(Lotfy T Elsaie, 2016 ), which leads to rashes, hives and itchiness. Peppermint oil can be effective in reducing the severity of such a condition. The topical treatment of chronic pruritus with peppermint oil is effective, easy to use, safe, cheap, favourable odour, and more acceptable for whom topical and systemic therapies tend to be irritating, contraindicated, or less well tolerated. This therapeutic option for chronic pruritus has excellent results and is free from toxic side effects. ?(Lotfy T Elsaie, 2016 )
The major components of peppermint oil include menthol,?menthone, menthofuran and?menthyl acetate?representing nearly 90% of the total essential oils. The antibacterial activity is associated with the contribution of menthol. Antibacterial activity may likely be associated with a high concentration of menthol, phenols or flavonoids. Still, a synergistic effect of the other constituents of peppermint oil cannot be ruled out. Finally, it can be concluded that the active chemical compounds present in Peppermint oil should undoubtedly find a place in treating various bacterial infections. ?(Rajinder Singh, 2011) As a vasoconstrictor, it is cooling and can relieve inflammation and sunburn. (Seller, 1992).
Mentha piperita (Linn.), commonly called peppermint, is considered aromatic, stimulant and carminative. Mentha extract (ME) has been shown to have antioxidant properties.?(Ashok Kumar, 2004) They include α-tocopherol, tannins, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), β- carotene, several protein compounds with enzymatic activity, flavonoids, polysaccharides, terpenoids, polyphenol compounds etc. Mentha piperita has antioxidant properties due to the presence of several bioactive substances.?(Silvia Cristina Cerini Trevisan, 2017)
Plants containing a wide range of antioxidant properties and bioactive molecules can neutralise free radicals slowing the progress of many diseases associated with oxidative stress. Highly natural antioxidants are effective and are less toxic. Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial & antioxidant properties provide anti-allergic effects. ?(Silvia Cristina Cerini Trevisan, 2017)