?????????????????????????????????Do what you want, when you want and how you want.
We have always said or heard, “You can’t always get what you want”. But my question is , Did you really try or are you trying to convince others or yourself? This statement soothes our mind and helps us to stop making efforts. I am not saying it's wrong; since our childhood we have been controlled for the things we wanted the most, by saying it's bad, or you don’t want it or by giving us an alternative to divert our mind. This is how we have lost touch with our desires and have mixed thoughts whenever we want something(we keep asking ourselves, is it really something I want or is it really worthy?)
Most of the time we do things to please others, or follow what others are doing in order to convince ourselves by saying we are on the right track by doing what everyone else is doing. Now after reading this, ask yourself? when was the last time you broke your shell and did something that your instincts wanted you to do.
It’s still not late. After ten years down the line, you would say that at that time I could have made decisions, I should have lived my life carefree. So, don’t carry any regrets for your future. Start living your present so that our future is full of lessons we have learnt, whether by learning from mistakes or by living an imaginable wildest dream. Stop self-loathing or accusing others for the decisions you take.?
Remember, you are not a coward. You are one among millions, deciding when and where to break your shell is a Judgement call. Doing something new will always bring fear, but remember Fear brings maturity as well as it helps you look at the things in multiple ways.?
Find your signature strength, (it helps us grow in our lives and find our true selves) and start your life all over again. Motivate yourself.
???????????????????????????????????????????Break all the ties and straps,
Outsmart all the Traps,
?????????????????????????????????????????? Decisions are not scrap,
???????????????????????????????????????????Life is a gift, just unwrap.