People who are on a COPIED POTENTIAL(cp) are replacing those with a BORROWED POTENTIAL(bp)
It has been a while that I have been observing personalities being swallowed up by the hype of wanting to be recognized for certain positions in corporate world. People go to study to be like others, most are trapped in the cp syndrome false leading the recruiters to hire them at key positions only to stagnate companies or worse to drawn it.
A person with a cp, if asked to choose which course he/she will take to better themselves (Emotional Intelligence; Time Management; Human Science NQF level 2), such a person is likely to chose Emotional Intelligence. Borrowed Potential has always worked for too many even for myself at some point of my life. However a cp is dangerous in a sense that those possessing are not aware of their Emotional Capacity however they would rather rush after making numbers with odd number,1,3,5... not realizing the even numbers that are falling.
I am writing this article because I am working on publishing my verryyy long awaited facebook: The Bridge a Story of the Spirit of South Africa. This book touches a lot on the untouched surfaces and I guarantee you that you have never read a true story in a form of a real life. I have written more on the characteristics of the Borrowed Potential but today i have experience of a cp.
I do not want to discourage anyone from studying, but if you take out any study do not bury yourself copying others. We are in a critical times where all leaders must stand and take their seat to lead.