To the people who badmouth my hero Steven Paul Jobs
I am so sick of people badmouthing Steven Paul Jobs and other successful people including myself. It is one thing to deal with this while you are alive, yet I cant understand how this continues after someone has passed.
The market share that Apple holds now, simply disproves any bad comment somone might have to say. You may be able to say it would have been better if XY and Z, then again hind sight is 2020.
Now if your going to say he is this or that. SERIOUSLY NOBODY WANTS TO HEAR IT -- until THEY see your company or product trump those of Apple's!
If you think Steve did wrong then lets see what you have done! Exactly!
I recently came across a post where one LinkedIn user posted a hateful message against Steve. It was called "Steve Jobs Did Not invent The iPhone." In this article the author attempted to show what a horrible person Steve was for supposedly "taking credit for the works of others".
My response to his article was:
"Respectfully, It takes a lot to annoy me, however I'm very annoyed with your post.
Steve did give us the iPhone!
iPhone is not simply a cell phone it is a device providing solutions to many problems in the world that no other company had been able to solve efficaciously.
This was done under the direct leadership of Steven Paul Jobs.
That's right, cameras have been invented, cell phones have been invented, and yes cellular modem's have been in existence for years.
The iPhone is a recipe using the correct combination of software and hardware to solve problems. It's market share proves this.
Do you really believe that people mean that Steve Jobs literally invented every single piece of hardware on the iPhone?
Just take a look at Google's fractured ecosystem. Take a look at how many Google devices effectively allow people to do work past making phone calls and checking email.
Can your grandmother text you a 4 gigabyte video file using her Android phone without any problems? I don't think so. With iPhone it's as simple as click and go.
Nobody else in the market has a supported cohesive ecosystem that takes privacy and security seriously.
Let's not speak badly about the work of a brilliant man who has departed this world."
The number of thumbs up my comment got truly surprised me. Every day, I see so called stock tip gurus give horrible advice or speak of things they know nothing about. The danger here is that this misleading sycophantic information has generated a madness of crowds type of effect and everyone thinks that they have something to say.
Seriously, if you are not in the league or doing better those you criticize then KEEP IT TO YOURSELF and stop giving your suggestions. Do you you really think anyone would ever give weight to words spoken by someone who has yet to prove themselves via success?
I have taken tho photo used to insult him and decorated it with flowers as it should be.
Thank you Steve for everything.
Update -- and yet another example of what prompted me to write this:
Apple has a history of recognizing key members of their team. It’s very silly to say the things that you guys are saying especially given the fact that even on the early Apple computers you could find a signature of key team member under the cover of the computer case (in much the same as an AMG Mercedes Engine where you can find the signature of the person who put your engine together.) Nowadays that information is available online.
What's even more interesting is that rather than exhibiting your accomplishments and leading the way forward with your own company and or projects you guys choose to write vast articles and entire books regarding how horrible a person who has passed was. Not to mention this is a person who much of the world regards as a brilliant man, an exemplary man!
I don’t think you’re going to find much favor with anybody other than those people who complain about taxes, government, their bank, and their situation for their lack of success.
When I’m selling my house, if a famous architect designed it I will make certain to mention his name, but I’m not going to mention the name of the guy who worked for somebody who contracted with the architect to do my tile work. I’m also not going to list every single patent holders name on every nitrogen infused double pane window I had installed. Your expectations are preposterous.
It is fairly common knowledge that Steve Jobs is the father of the iPhone, the other members of the team (such as Jonathan Ivy, Phil Schiller . . .) are also well-known and have just as much importance to Apple.
You should read the definition of the word semantics. Semantics is the meaning of language. Words have different meanings to different people based on region and education level. Even the word invent. Consequently I have not heard anyone in the more educated circles use the word inventor to describe Steve Jobs. The word I frequently hear is innovator.
If your goal is to straighten out somebody who has relatively no education and has seen Steve Jobs picture on a newspaper with an iPhone and thinks he invented it, then I leave it to you to decide whether or not such an endeavor will yield the fruit you desire.
Do something, create something show us a better way. Then you won’t have to open your mouth and complain!
For your own sake if you do open your mouth don't say bad things about people who have departed this world. It simply doesn’t make you look good. Have respect for yourselves!