The People of WebitFactory @Bosti

The People of WebitFactory @Bosti

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- Bosti

What are you doing at WebitFactory? What did you start with and what are you doing now?

- I work as a FullStack Web Developer, I started off by working for a staking platform and I'm currently working to improve and build a new, big web3 application .

Three words to describe your role

- Entertaining, flashy and also really satisfying.

What do you like most about working at WebitFactory?

- The team, I consider it one of the most important things. My colleagues are really fun and entertaining, but also really good programmers. They really help me when I need the support and that's comforting. Another thing which I'm really excited about are our projects which are really interesting. I like the fact that I get to learn a lot of new things, most of them about web3.

Hobbies? Side-business? Future plans?

- I don't really have hobbies because I spend most of my time working or studying for my master's degree. In fact, as a second thought, I enjoy programming so much that I see it as a hobby and not really work. As for future plans, I want to develop and work on my skills and get to be as good as I can be at this.

What tech do you wield best and like most? What about a favorite blockchain? Why?

- I like working with React.js and I got to understand it pretty well by now. Aside from that, Vue.js is my second choice, but I'm always open to new technologies. As a favorite blockchain, I like Elrond, because it was developed by romanians, it's really fast and it uses its own unique proof of stake algorithm, called secure proof of stake.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced here at WebitFactory?

- I guess the biggest challenge I've faced here is pushing myself to be at least as good as my colleagues are.

Office Story Time: When did you laugh most & why??

- The day when our colleague George Marinescu brought oculus vr to work and I saw Stelian Mustea 's?

?reaction to it, priceless...

A shoutout or thank you for a colleague? Favorite one, one that ate your lunch, brings harmony or panic attacks?

- I would like to thank them all, they all helped me when I needed it and they always gave some of their time for me, they made me feel like I'm taking part in a community where we can have each other's back at any point.

Here is the part where I thank you for your time and where you can leave any message or outro you want.

- WebitFactory is clearly above 9.5 !



