People think they are healthier than they actually are
"What lies behind you and what lies in front of you pales in comparison to what lies inside of you." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

People think they are healthier than they actually are

No one thinks they will get a disease, so they just ignore doing the things necessary to maintain health.

Our current healthcare system was originally created to save a life in a crisis (car accident, heart attack....) Thank goodness for that. But that same system is used to get someone healthy and is NOT designed for that. You can't give a drug to a person and expect them to get healthier. Most Americans wait until they are sick and then rely on a drug or surgery to try to get them healthy. The consequences of this behavior and mindset is devastating.

Allow me to pose this question to you....

If you had a pond full of sick fish, how would you fix it?

  • Pour drugs into the pond?
  • Take the fish out and perform micro fish surgery?
  • Dissect the fish and analyze their genetics?

NO! You'd clean up the water! Medicine is not cleaning up our water; infact, it is just making it more toxic.

America has the worst modernized healthcare system on the planet. Johns Hopkins University rated the top 37 industrialized nations, and America was last in overall health care. AND we are spending MORE than any other country. Let's look at the facts:

  • 34% of Americans are considered obese, and 35 % of those are children ages 5-17
  • We have more chronic lung disease, more heart disease, and more diabetes than almost anywhere on the planet.

Our healthcare system does not exist. When do you go see a doctor in America? Usually when you are already sick. If you pass a yearly physical or wellness check up, what do doctors do to you? NOTHING! See you next year. That means you have to be sick in order to enter the system. That's not healthcare. That's not prevention. That's a sick care system.

"There really is no system of health care in this country now."

Denis Cortese, President of Mayo Clinic, 2006

Proverbs 14:12 states "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death."

There's a way that may seem right to get someone healthy, but it leads to death. there's a way that seems right to insure people and give them more benefits, but in the end, it leads to death. Although a drug or a surgery may save a life in a crisis, the side effects and lack of fixing the cause of the problem leads to death. If a solution doesn't build health, then it shouldn't belong in a healthcare system. We MUST distinguish between healthcare and crisis/sick care.

My point in sharing all this is to motivate you to understand you MUST take care of your health. The "how" will be easy if the "why" is right. At the end of the day, your health is whose responsibility? YOURS! If you leave it to some insurance company, workplace, doctor, or man to take care of, well.... just reflect on those statistics and consider the likely outcome.

Building health is up to you. Big pharma and big food want you sick and addicted. They profit off it. You want health? Go get it. YOU MUST!

I encourage you to SEE the trouble in front of you before you experience a symptom. Take action to avoid it. Empower yourself with the tools to change your life. I'm here to help guide, support, provide those tools, and educate you along the way.

Ready to take action? Let's start with a FREE 15 minute consult call. No obligation, but you'll have a clarity to what your next step is. Book a Call Today!

Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. 1 John 4:4


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