People In The Room
Who’s in your room today? No, I don’t mean your home office or whatever room you may be in right now. I mean who’s in your life? In your immediate world.??
Why do I ask? Because the relationships you build will significantly impact you in either negative or positive ways. They foster your mindset. That’s why you must be so scrupulous about who’s in your room. Your spouse. Your friends. Your management team.?
Your circle of close associates must create an environment conducive to improving your life. If they don’t, then you need to seriously consider whether they should remain in your room. Yes, this is tough to do, especially with those who have been around for a long time. It’s all about being self-aware of the value of the company you keep.?
And not just for today, but their value to you for your future as well. Surround yourself with the relationships that you want to take with you down the road. Of course, to determine this you need to know who you are today and who you want to be tomorrow. Why? Because to become the person you want to be means being in an environment that nurtures the future you desire.?
Sound, productive relationships must include these five ingredients:?
?Here’s three actions to take to give your room a much-needed makeover:?
I challenge you to consciously look at the people in your room and honestly determine if they are helping or hindering growth in your personal and professional lives.??