...if people only knew.
Me: Wow, this food is amazing! It's a shame they don't deliver ??
Her: Well THEY don't deliver... but you CAN get it delivered.
Me: How? ??
Her: You can get anything delivered if you download the app...
In China it turns out you can get people to do pretty much anything via app.
They can come to you, take your house keys and then give them to your spouse.
Move your cat between two houses.
And yeah, they'll go anywhere to pick up any food or any object that can be carried and give it to you.
Come in your house, cook your food.
Give you a back massage during your lunch break or clean your office or whatever.
This country man... this country...
Here's a pretty cool one. If you drive somewhere and get completely drunk, you can get someone to come to you on a tiny foldable electric bike. They'll fold up the bike, get in your car and drive it with the drunk-you, back to your house.
This is real stuff that people actually use. It's not pretend ??
People live like this. Like lots of people in the world, this is normal for them ??
My grandad used to say when I was little that China was going to take over the world, and we'd think it was funny.
Nope, he was soooooooo right. Probably not that long. Two decades on the outside? I'm just saying, you should prooooobably make sure your kids know Chinese. Steve said it first.
I can see why the media in our western countries freaks out about things here. Misreports things, or generally avoids a lot of what's going down. It's just all so different to what we're told, it's nuts man.
I'll never say it's perfect here...
But let's be reeeeeally clear. Most places I've visited are simply not in the same ballpark as China in terms of safety for women and minorities (yes, including muslims), how happy the people are, food, quality of life for the average joe, how much people TRUST their own government, depth of culture (that one's just personal for me).
Even how people express themselves... well, in some ways. That's kinda a grey area here ????
I'm not even saying it from a point of adoration or love, or trying to cause controversy. Objectively speaking, most things are legitimately better here than where you are. Trains, tech, buildings, whatever, it's all the best I've seen.
And I think our governments can't stand that.
That's what I really think.
And I can understand that. We've been at the top for so damn long, does anyone actually remember when we weren't?
Probably not. There hasn't even been a competitor for a few decades.
That's why I want to stay here, so that I can watch it all unfold.
If anybody has any questions, ask and I'll answer truthfully!