People of LOGEX - vol. 7
Barbora Bohunska (Florianova)
HR & Recruitment Partner | #suHR Mentor | CV | Career | Consultant | Employer Branding
We continue with a series of interviews with our colleagues in Brno and the interview with Jirka is then followed by a second interview this month. This time, we did a little change and interviewer is not one of our developers, but our recruiter Barbora who actually sources and leads interviews with our candidates.
At the beginning can you tell us how long have you worked at LOGEX?
I have been here since January 2020 so almost 1 year.
What did you do before joining LOGEX and what did you like most about LOGEX?
Before I started working here I had worked at personal agencies, I was a recruiter for many clients from varied fields. It taught me a lot from sourcing, recruiting, negotiating and communication with clients and we had the best team (and we are still friends now) so I am very thankful for the experience. And before that, I had been working at Rector′s office as an International Relations Coordinator at Mendel University in Brno where I also had great team. My luck with great colleagues has persisted because I now have perfect colleagues too?? I was impressed by the field of business at LOGEX, they have a good product which helps hospitals. I also liked that LOGEX was something new in Brno, that it was not the typical corporate company which Brno is full of and I felt well during hiring process so it was good sign for me.
What is the biggest difference between recruitment in agency and internal recruitment?
Probably the biggest difference is in the style of recruitment. In agency you work for many clients and they have various kind of positions you are working on so you need to be in touch regularly with all clients, know their company, culture, hiring process and requirements of all open roles. But in intern recruitment it is more about building relationships external and internal, getting deeper amongst teams, colleagues, knowing internal processes and what is the best when recruitment process is finished successfully you meet the people in the same office, going for lunch with them and see how the person is learning and growing and that is great.
Why did you become a recruiter indeed?
When I finished my work at Mendel University in Brno, I was not sure what I wanted to do to be honest but I knew that my strengths are communication and organizational skills and I found many open positions of recruiter junior, I liked that, applied for and was hired so I think the work found me than I decided that. So maybe a destiny? ??
If you were not a recruiter, what would you do?
That is very hard to say, I really don′t know but probably something where the communication is needed, maybe more in marketing, PR...who knows. But I wouldn′t be an accountant or anything like that. Actually never say never, right?
What do you like the most about LOGEX?
People and their relationships. Atmosphere is very friendly and unformal here so you can feel very comfortable. I would say that people working here are kind hearted.
How do you deal with current situation in recruitment and how do you think it influences the job market generally?
Czech job market has been tough last few years but we could feel it months by months stronger from the recruitment side. When covid-19 appeared in early spring I thought it would change market somehow...and it changed, more candidates appeared because of hiring freeze but usually not from development. Now the biggest difference is that more candidates are more conservative and afraid of changing employer so they stay at their current stable position. And what does it mean for my position? Easily more work, be more active, focus more also on branding and don′t miss any single candidate.
And what helps you not to go mad in this situation?
I try to spend free time in nature, doing sport activities, enjoying the time with my little niece and sometime just to breathe very deeply ??
We know that you spend your free time by doing sport or climbing in mountains so which rock/mountain peak was the most difficult one for you?
Interesting question. I have never thought about that and very hard to choose but the most difficult was my first multi-pitch route in the Dolomites but the first step on the top was awesome and the view from the rock tower, unbelievable.
Which country would you like to visit and where have you travelled the furthest?
I have a little problem, I long to visit almost all countries :D But my travel plan for October was to do Annapurna trek in Nepali, unfortunately it wasn′t possible to go there so I hope we can travel soon and my first step will be to Asia somewhere because I have never been there (except Turkey). And my biggest trip so far was 2 years ago when we travelled western part of USA with its national parks and deserts, unforgettable experience and recommend it to all.
Christmas is coming so how do you usually spend it? Do you prepare typical Christmas candies?
Usually we spend it together with the family, have Christmas Eve, a carp with potatoes salad for the dinner and because I don′t eat traditional Czech Christmas sweets and candies I don′t bake but I can do it – it was my seasonal job during high school.
Which Christmas gift would make you the happiest?
That is very easy, comeback to the normal life for whole world and start to live social life again.
Do you make a New Year′s Resolution?
I don′t make any because I know if I do it I will not keep it. If I want to make a resolution I′d rather make it any day during year.
Thank you for the interview :)