People of LOGEX vol. 3
Barbora Bohunska (Florianova)
HR & Recruitment Partner | #suHR Mentor | CV | Career | Consultant | Employer Branding
Let′s continue with a series of interviews with our colleagues in Brno and interview with Robo is followed by another one this month. This time with Jirka who works at LOGEX as a System Analyst.
What have you done before LOGEX?
From professional point of view, I have spent six years learning testing on banking software. I have started with classic waterfall type testing and worked my way to exploratory methods.
And why did you choose to start at LOGEX?
I knew some people working the Brno office so I knew I was moving to a friendly environment. As I don’t have any medical education I was bit unsure about LOGEX’s field of business from a start, but in the end, it turned out the core of our products is more about econometrics than anatomy. And ordered columns of numbers is something close to my heart.
Before you were in kind of corporate environment. Can you compare corporate and small company?
What I appreciate in LOGEX is flat organizational structure and stable teams. It is easier to work with people if I know them. Every person is different and it just takes time for people to learn how to cooperate and communicate.
What did you want to become as a child?
I originally wanted to be a kindergarten teacher. Then I reevaluated that to a elementary school teacher and a little later to a high school teacher. I skipped middle school teacher in my plans as too dangerous.
You work as a Systems Analyst, can you describe your role and which project you are working on now?
Systems Analyst in LOGEX is a supporting role for product owners to help them with requirement specification on one side and with testing on other side. I am also at hand to developers if they need to discuss their solution or any edge-cases. I am currently part of two projects. The first project is transformation of our Costing tool. This tool is used by hospitals for cost analysis but until now has only been available within The Netherlands, we’re working to internationalise it to make it available in other countries like UK, Sweden, Finland and more.
The second project I have is our Appropriate Care Monitor. In this tool hospitals can analyse their treatment methods compared to other hospitals.
What do you like about LOGEX and its working environment/company culture?
I like the atmosphere in Brno office. It is informal and friendly. If I need to step back for a few moments to clear my thoughts there is always someone willing to play me at table football. We have started to build puzzles year ago and again it is great supporting activity to stay focused whole working day. Our team participated in the charity events You Dream We Run and Give & Gain Day – and we enjoyed these a lot.
If you should say only one thing which is the best thing at LOGEX?
On the other hand, is there anything you would like to change in LOGEX?
Both teams I am part of are in multiple locations. We meet every morning via videoconference, but it would be great if we can meet more often in person.
We know that you have family so what do you appreciate for your work-life balance in LOGEX?
I appreciate flexible hours and possibility to work remotely if needed. There is for example a rule that we don’t release new version of software on Fridays to protect weekends from fire-fighting, which is great sign how LOGEX as company treats work-life balance.
What do you do in your free time?
I spend most of my free time with my family. I have two kids which are in quite demanding age -3 years and 5 years old. Other than that, I am a book enthusiastic – from sci-fi to classic fiction – I read every day when commuting to work. I have even mastered the art of reading while walking – no accidents in last eight years.
When my kids are older, I would like to get back to climbing and experience learning – for which activities I don’t have much time lately.
Why would you recommend LOGEX to others?
The field of business is interesting and brings real value to health care. From time to time I evaluate if my current job makes sense from different angles and with LOGEX the answer is yes – it really makes sense.